Monday, September 30, 2019
Book Thief
Adriana Alvarez Ms. Spooner Survey Lit, Period 2 September 17, 2011 Diagnostic Book Thief Essay Assignment Sometimes in literature, a character’s actions oppose the ideals, values, morals, etc. of his or her society. A character in The Book Thief who opposes his or her society is Rudy Steiner. Of course, there was a purpose for Zusak to make Rudy exactly the way he did. Rudy was a little boy when we first meet him, and we see him grow up in one of the most horrific eras of our world’s history. At the end of the story Rudy had a deep anger towards Hitler, saying â€Å"the quote where he wants to kill him. (Zusak, pg) But he wasn’t always like that. In the beginning he didn’t really care. At first, he didn’t even fully understand what was going on. He was nothing but a little kid. This is what Zusak was trying to hit at. A lot of kids that went through the whole Nazi era didn’t really understand what was going on, and therefore didn’t r eally care. It doesn’t mean they didn’t care about the Jews; they were just too young to comprehend what was going around them. However, as the story progressed, Rudy changed his mind.Again, Zusak was making him symbolize all those little kids back in those days. Rudy changed his mind, because Hitler affected him directly. Hitler tried to take him to a school away from his family, and then ended up taking his father away. It wasn’t until Rudy was directly and personally affected by Hitler’s actions that he started to show remorse against him. It wasn’t until then that Rudy started to realize what was going on around him. Another way that Rudy opposes the ideals and morals of his society, is the whole Jesse Owes incident.Jesse Owens was a famous and respected gold medaled runner. However, he was African American. He wasn’t what was expected; light skin, light hair and colored eyes. The fact that Rudy covered himself head to toe in charcoal, a nd was running as fast as he could, trying to impersonate Jesse Owens, would of been frowned upon. Yet, â€Å"I just wish I was like Jesse Owens, Papa. †(Zusak,60) said Rudy. Jesse Owens overall was not approved of. But Rudy didn’t care. He had an idol, and he wanted to be like him, no matter what others said or thought.And Rudy often did this. He believed what he wanted to believe, he did what he wanted to do, and listened to who he wanted to listen to, whether people approved or not. He was to young when the whole Jesse Owens incident occurred, and he didn’t understand that if someone had seen him covered in coal they could’ve sent him to the camps. Luckily only his father had seen him. Zusak uses Rudy in representation of kids, such as himself, who didn’t understand that even the slightest action done out of the norm could have cost them their life.Rudy helps Zusak show how the Nazi era affected even the kids, how it changed their point of view and their way of living. Overall, Rudy along with the other characters allow Zusak to write about the Nazi era in a new way. In a way that hits us like a bag bricks and leaves us thinking about how we could have let someone hurt others so much and the endless points of view that were forever changed. Zusak reminds us that there are still thousands of people and perspectives that we haven’t thought of or tried on for a change of shoes.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The ultimate financial plan balancing your money and life Essay
Financial plans are written, structured approaches for sustaining financial fitness and attaining financial objectives. An individual might employ a financial planner or not, but it is a personal responsibility to consider and come up with a personal financial plan based on their unique preferences, circumstances and objectives. A personal financial plan is very crucial since it will help me to accomplish both short-term and long-run goals. My short-term goals are the goals I wish to accomplish in less than five years time while my long-term goals are the goals I wish to accomplish in thirty or fifty years. The rationale of this paper is to explain the approaches I will employ to attain my personal goals. Setting my personal goals is the first step of writing a personal financial plan. In my financial plan I will talk about and explore how I will work toward those goals and come up with a comprehensive timeframe to achieve those objectives. I will also include a process on how I will constantly amend my objectives throughout my lifetime. I will also set up significant transformations in your life that might impact your goals. Financial plan take turns around objectives; therefore I have composed my short-term and long term goals. I will also develop a sketch of my objectives that is widespread appropriately to envelop every aspect of my life. Short-term goals will help me to achieve my future goals because it will help me to envisage bigger, life changing adjustments that might not be easily recognizable (Wichner, 1985). The following are my short-term objectives that I look forward to achieve in a span of five years: Firstly, I plan on building an emergency fund. This is a cash saving account that will help me to resolve emergency situations in a swift manner. These include the expenses that are rapid, but must be resolved immediately. An appropriate emergency fund savings usually ranges from three months to years worth of an individual living expenses. I have to decide the extent I wish to build my emergency fund, how much money I wish to deposit in my emergency fund every month; I will operate the emergency fund differently from my savings and checking accounts. Lastly, I will start building my emergency fund. I want to accomplish this in less than five years time, thus I will make it a priority. I prefer to use automatic transfer or direct deposit to make it simpler. This will help me resolve real emergencies (Swedroe et al, 2010). Secondly, I will save some money to study Masters. This is one of my intellectual goals since I want to study Masters Degree after 4 years. I will use the savings in my 529 plans wisely so that I will be able to pay for my masters degree. I will leave the money untouched until I finish my college education so that it can accumulate in the four years time. The money will be earning some interest which adds to the college savings plan account. I will be reviewing the 529 plans annually due to uncertainties. I opt to use the subsidized students’ loan since there are no interest charges. In the meantime, my investment account continues to accumulate in dollar value. Thirdly, I will save for a vacation. This is on my lifestyle goals. I plan to be going on vacation to Tahiti Island in France for two weeks, and I hope to do that after finishing my Bachelors degree, which is in Two years from now. This is one of the things I plan to do for fun and entertainment to achieve necessary for the quality of life I anticipate for. I have learnt a lot from my parent on how to save and invest wisely. These excellent management skills will help me accomplish my lifetime goals. I also plan to build up my personal development goals. Improving my personal development goals are the most lasting and longest objectives and I will continue to develop them. This include cutting negativity, improving my communication skills, identifying my principles and sticking to them, restructuring my priorities, avoiding stressful situation, avoiding conflicts among others. This will help me to relate well with others. They will also enhance the quality of life I anticipate to live. Lastly, Fitness goals are another goal I wish to accomplish. I will set out a work out routine that I will follow and keep it updated to maintain discipline. I will buy gym membership and a workout outfit that will facilitate my health fitness goals I wish to accomplish (â€Å"Importance of Personal Finance†, 2014). On the other hand the following are the long-term objectives I wish to achieve in a timeline of thirty to fifty years: Buying a luxury car is my long-term goal. This can only be attained by proper application of principles of finance to my personal financial decisions. This require me to plan where I will obtain the funds, budget, save and spend money throughout, while considering various financial uncertainties and future life occurrences. Luxury cars are expensive that it required good planning. Saving enough money for a luxury car is not an easy thing, but it requires some patience and hard work. I will visit my bank and plan the financing before visiting the dealership. This will help me to focus on discussing an appropriate price for the luxury car instead of worrying about acquiring a car payment that I can manage to pay for. I will then inform the salesperson that I have the finance arranged, but I will consider giving the car dealer to earn my loan business by listening to their deal. Dealers are likely to offer more attractive policies on a car loan. Buying a luxury car will enable me to enj oy reliability and quality associated with most luxury vehicles (Stovall & Maurer, 2011). Secondly, I plan to buy a home. This is one of the biggest financial steps I wish to undertake. The process of buying a new home is both enlivening and worrisome. I have to be involved, plan a lot for it, but before making any decision I have to be comfortable with the understanding of my finances. I will consider home buying programs that offer limited down payment or down payment assistance options. They will help me to lay a down payment as a first time home owner. My financial position will also determine the home I will am planning to purchase. I will assess my personal finances regularly to determine whether my financial stance will sustain me throughout home buying process. I will request for the credit report that will help me to acknowledge possible blunders, credit rates and flaws. The other long run goal is to pay for my children’s college education. This is another financial goal that requires a lot of planning and preparedness. As a parent, I will consider matching grant options or state tax benefits. A state matching funding for 529 allocations are likely to make depositing to 529 plans concurrent with withdrawing finances in the same year, beneficial. I also plan to keep amending my children 529 plans so that they can have enough money to cater for their college and masters education. I will plan to save enough money for a secure retirement. This can only be achieved by saving 10 to 20 percent of my income. However, I will establish my saving target based on my income since I have various goals I anticipate to accomplish in life. This will guide me on how to save wisely to meet my retirement objectives. An online calculator will help me to determine my saving target. I will also work out to update the calculation year so that I can ensure that I am on the track. The factors that determine my retirement budget include the amount of money I require to live my later years, the time I have to save the amount and the type of investment tools and account I have to employ to achieve retirement goal. I will use pension funds since it is the tax-efficient savings tool. They are also the most famous method to save for retirement (Stovall & Maurer, 2011). In conclusion, personal financial plan is very vital since it help people to achieve their short-run and long-term goals. Short-term are very crucial since they will help me to accomplish my long-term goals. My financial plan is based on my circumstances, preferences and objectives. An appropriate financial plan will guide me to use money wisely. The first step of developing a good financial is to set up personal goals and timeline of achieving those goals. The financial plan also includes the amendments I will employ to ensure that I will meet my goals within the time frame. References Importance of Personal Finance | Personal Finance Basics. (n.d.). Retrieved September 16, 2014, from Stovall, J., & Maurer, T. (2011). The ultimate financial plan balancing your money and life. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley. Swedroe, L. E., Grogan, K., & Lim, T. (2010). The only guide you’ll ever need for the right financial plan: managing your wealth, risk, and investments. Hoboken, N.J.: Bloomberg Press. Wichner, R. (1985). Personal financial planning: Develop a good financial plan for yourself at an early age and assure a secure future. IEEE Potentials, 4(4), 20-22. Source document
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Case 2 research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Case 2 research paper - Essay Example Nonetheless, with increasing awareness among women as well as government initiatives to guard men and women against malfeasance of the society, more and more people are rising to protest against sexual harassment cases. As a result, the policy makers have also started developing more stringent and defined rules and policies in order to ward off criminals, who escape through loopholes in policies and amendments. The EEOC has set explicit guidelines so as to define sexual harassment. Any unwelcomed sexual advance, physical or verbal conduct or requests for sexual favors will be considered as sexual harassment, when; If such conduct has a purpose or an effect of unreasonable prying on the work performance of an individual or creates a hostile, offensive or intimidating working environment (TWU counseling center, n.d.). In a detailed manner, sexual harassment can be physical, verbal or non-verbal and even, psychological. It can also be in form of unwelcomed gestures or postures. Most of the activities performed by Peter Lewiston fall under the EEOC’s definition of sexual harassment; for instance, giving unwanted letters or materials, which are of sexual nature. Lewiston was constantly giving flowers to Gilbury without informing her and before she arrived in the school, which made her uncomfortable. Another act of sexual harassment pursued by Lewiston was that of pressurizing Gilbury for a date. Even after her rejection, he incessantly asked her to have lunch with him. Lewiston also deliberately touched her head, while having conversation with Gilbury, which made her further uncomfortable and uneasy. Peter also blocked her path, when she was returning from work. All of the above gestures, postures as well as actions pursued by Peter were unwelcomed by Gilbury and can definitely be considered as a case of sexual harassment. Dealing with complaints of harassment is
Friday, September 27, 2019
Real estate study Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Real estate study - Coursework Example The tenant has defaulted on this quarters rent (due on 25 March 2015) as well as defaulting on its service charge and insurance contributions which were also reserved as rent. Tenant default is defined as the breach of agreement of the tenancy contract (The Law Commission, 2006). Spotted Dice Limited has breached the agreement with Lansbury Towers when the former defaulted with the rent payment, service charge, and insurance contributions. It is very important that the Landlord will carefully consider the action needed. In order for this to happen, the landlord should assess whether the default made by the tenant is just temporary or the tenant wants to terminate the lease (Green 2012). Without commencing any court proceedings, there are different remedies available to the management of Lansbury Towers where the tenant Spotted Dice Limited is in default such as forfeiture, levying distress, recovery as a debt, recovery from third parties, negotiations, surrender and reduction of rent (Cass 2013). Most of the lease contract contains a clause that will entitle the landlord to forfeit the lease in case of default. This remedy is considered one of the fastest, simplest and cheapest which will only require locks and notice to the premise (Cass 2013). â€Å"The right of landlord to forfeit arises: However, under Section 146 of the Law of Property Act of 1925, the landlord’s right to forfeit in respect to tenant’s default and breach of contract will not be enforceable unless a notice containing the following is served on the tenant: The Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR) provides the new process for landlords of commercial premises such as Lansbury Towers to recover tenant’s default by taking control of tenant’s goods. There should be no residential element and CRAR requires lease of commercial premises and recovery for principal rent for it to apply. This remedy is very handy as it only requires transparency of process through a notice given
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1
Midterm - Essay Example This means that people and business organizations are on a continuous journey that requires them to experience various processes and practices consciously or unconsciously. In this case, business organizations are expected to be abreast of the changing factors that can affect their profitability and other management aspects. This paper examines the concept of change and how it can be used by organizations to create and enhance their effective performance and success. It focuses on a Chinese Company, Alibaba Holdings, which has navigated its path to reach its current levels of excellence in business performance. The company has recently been listed on the New York Stock exchange in a bid to remain competitive and enhance its market position (Lianna, Jessica & Ryan, 2014). Currently, the pace by which globalization has been taking toll on businesses has quickened tremendously. Business executives and owners have been increasing their call for flexibility, agility and innovativeness from various business functions (Robertson, 2006). This development is aimed at positioning businesses strategically to tackle the rising challenges in competition and other factors in the external and internal environment. Amidst all these persistent calls, one thing has often been largely ignored, that is, organizations are creatively designed in order to search for competitive advantages that are sustainable. In addition, the fact that stability in business practices is just not desirable and effective, but attainable as well, has been an issue buried deeply in managerial psyche, but has been bolstered by periods of practice and theory (Christopher & Edward, 2006). It is important to understand that the popularity that is often associated with efforts for process improvement that range from overall quality management to various kinds of sigma provides are enough evidence for
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Death Penalty Position Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Death Penalty Position Paper - Essay Example Proponents believe it to be neither cruel nor unusual, on the contrary, they think it just and fair. The purpose of this study is to discuss the legal and moral issues that literally are of life and death importance and is a major barometer when measuring a societies collective conscience. The ‘eye for an eye’ group not only accepts but vocally insists that the death penalty be continued for many reasons which will be covered thoroughly in this discussion. It will also include the opponents’ reasoning regarding why it should be abolished along with the legal precedents involved in an effort to gain a comprehensive overview of the death penalty debate. The discussion will conclude with an opinion regarding the future of Capital punishment in the U.S. By definition, capital punishment is not unusual, legally speaking, unless one considers and acknowledges the racial bias that exists in the justice system. Whether or not it is cruel is not definable by law. It can only be defined by the collective social conscious of a culture. The legal interpretation of ‘cruel and unusual’ is somewhat open to debate but in general, the term ‘cruel’ refers to brutal punishments that cause excessive pain. Most legal experts agree that punishments including bodily dismemberment or torture are undoubtedly classified as cruel. Again, terminologies are open to interpretation as evidenced by the current debate at the highest level of government involving the definition of torture. The term ‘unusual’ is commonly understood to define the equitable application of punishment for a particular offense. For example, if ten people were cited for speeding and nine of them were fined $100 but one was fined $1000, this penal ty would be considered ‘unusual.’ Taken together, both ‘cruel’ and ‘unusual’ indicate that the punishment should be exacted in proportion to the offense committed. A life term in prison is an
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Expression of Motivation to Become a Physician Assistant Personal Statement
Expression of Motivation to Become a Physician Assistant - Personal Statement Example First, whilst undertaking my undergraduate degree in Science and Biology from the Azad University of Tehran that is located in Iran, I was able to gain background knowledge about human health and ways through which the health of an individual can be improved or maintained in a desirable state. Secondly, in my pursuit to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge, and even make advancement in my career I undertook a postgraduate degree majoring in health administration. Through this postgraduate degree, I gained knowledge on leadership, management, and administration skills that are applicable in public health systems, and health care facilities. Additionally, I trained as a Pharmacy Technician at the Boston Reed College, in the year 2009 and in the period of 2004 to 2007, I completed 60 credits towards an associate degree in Nursing at the Glendale Community College. From my educational background, it is evident that I have a deep desire and I am highly motivated to advance in my medi cal career which includes becoming a PA. In regards to work experience, I have had the opportunity of working in the healthcare industry for the past eight years. For instance, I have been an intern at the Northridge Hospital medical center for the past year and as an intern, I was able to obtain practical knowledge and further learn routine practices of PA. I worked under the supervision of a safety officer to ensure that all joint commission guidelines for the physical environment of care at the hospitals remain compliant. I was also charged with the duty of ensuring safety and facility quality controls comply with local, federal, state regulations and further provided consultations. Prior to my internship at the Northridge hospital, I worked at the cardiologist office for seven years as a medical assistant where I interacted with patients and PAs, thereby becoming familiar with the roles of a PA.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Should Early Education Have Forgien Language Taught Essay
Should Early Education Have Forgien Language Taught - Essay Example These views were also turned upside down later by Peal and Lambert that showed how superior it is learning two languages in the early age than one (Peal & Lambert,1962) . They conducted various experiments for children who started learning a second language in their early childhood and compared it to their achievements and academic skills in their later life. It was prevalent in the research that they were no less efficient, skilled and knowledgeable than those who did not learn a second language. Â It is very essential for children to fully acquire their first language as researches show that if they do not, they may have problems in becoming an academic professional and fully cultured in their second language. This is because of the interrelationship of language and cognitive growth. When parents use their first language that they know the best with their children there are less chances of the interruption of the cognitive growth of the children. The research further argues that whatever learnt in the first language either knowledge, organization, development, skills, academic literacy etc will be transferred to second language when learnt. Children expand their language learning depending on how often they use and practice it. Parents who communicate more often in their first language develop better linguistic skills ability to express their needs, ideas and feelings. If children do not acquire their first language, it may become a problem for them in the future to express their thoughts efficiently (Collier, 1992). However, other argues that when children learn all new information and knowledge in their second language in later life,... According to the paper some researchers argue that cognitive skills must be completely acquired before the brain is fully matured. Learning a second language at any age is an amazing experience in different ways but children have the most to gain from a wonderful quest. Children involuntarily believe that learning a second language is fun to explore and play around. Children who are bilingual have a bigger perspective of the world and see the bigger picture from different contexts. This paper approves that global village has affected children in a way that they are exposed to multicultural and multinational society. Children whether immigrants or non-immigrant get a chance to express their selves to an outer world which has learning a second language other than their mother tongue as the most important determinant for cross-cultural relationships. Also, people tend to learn a second language for better opportunities and exploration of the world. The whole discussion showed that it is better to learn the language earlier in children life which comes up with lot of ease, benefits and opportunities that cannot be attained if the second language is learnt at adolescent or adulthood. Moreover, researches also showed that learning a second language helps in exercising the brain which helps in better understanding of things, perspectives and memory storage. Thus, people who are bilingual or multilingual found to have better opportunities, academic skills and knowledge .
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Discrimination in the workforce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Discrimination in the workforce - Essay Example 35). In education, dissemination affects not only the staff, but also teacher-student relations and interaction. Dissemination can take the form of iintentionally harmful actions or prescribed action which limit equal opportunities or humiliate an employee. Also, Elkins (1963) and Sowell (1971) suppose that discrimination was influenced by the period of slavery and racial inequalities (Taylor 1998). Barbara Bergmann (1974) argues that dissemination is a result of the market structure which consists of skilled and non-skilled workforce. Unskilled and low-paid workforce is usually presented by black and minority employees (Taylor 1998). Discrimination and an increase in out-migration of whites from neighborhoods as larger numbers of blacks arrive are the major explanations for black-white segregation. Prejudices and discrimination is due to misunderstandings about the significance of a biological sense of "race" and racist ideas transmitted across generations and based on 'lower biolog ical quality' of African populations. The main cause of segregation and racism is the cultural superiority of "whites" based on their cultural heritage and absence of 'white' slavery. Most Africa-Americans are seen as "lower" class people in contras to "elite" class of whites (Harvey and Allard 2004). Discrimination in the workplace has deep roots. Dissemination by race was eliminated in 1863 by 13th Amendment which made slavery illegal. In 1868, 14th Amendment announced equal protection of all citizens in all states. During the first half of the XX century, black people and racial minorities experienced discriminated in wages and work conditions; they were deprived a chance to receive good education and compete with white majority (Harvey and Allard 2004). Till the middle of the XX century, women occupied clerical jobs and were not promoted to administrative positions. Actions against discrimination go back to 1941 when F. Roosevelt "encouraged minority employment by ordering defence contractors to cease discriminatory hiring" (Yates, n.d.). Further, the policy of anti-discrimination was developed by Lyndon Johnson in 1965 when he "put teeth into minority hiring rules for government contractors' (Yates, n.d.). The next amendments took place under the presidency of J. Kennedy who introduced Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) "establishing to investigate contractors' practices, impose sanctions, collect employment statistics, and ensure compliance with government regulations" (Yates, n.d.). Pre-war period (immigration act was introduced in 1924) was marked by racial prejudices and stereotyping against Asian Americans. The main areas of discrimination were family, religion, criminal justice, education and job opportunities. WWII - 1965 marked a new stage in workforce relations. During this period of time, many low class people entered educational established and found high paid jobs. In response to the growing demand for equal rights, Congress enacted major pieces of modern civil rights legislation during the 1960s that have taken the country an enormous step closer to realizing the promises of the first Reconstruction. These modern statutes, protect racial minorities against most forms of public and private discrimination in employment,
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Preferred language style Essay Example for Free
Preferred language style Essay Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the glucose level present in the blood drops to a level below the normal range. It can develop both in type 1 diabetes mellitus and type II diabetes mellitus. Frequently, this is a very severe health issue in diabetics and has severe effects. The physician may be able to identify and treat diabetic ketoacidosis and diabetic non-ketotic coma early, but hypoglycemia turns out to be a serious problem as it is often not recognized in diabetes. In certain cases, hypoglycemia occurs suddenly, and by the time one recognizes that they are hypoglycemic; it may be too late to take control of the situation. If hypoglycemia is left untreated for a long time, especially in a diabetic, the chances of permanent brain damage are very high. Hypoglycemia is also associated with several cardiovascular disorders such as heart attacks, stroke, cardiac failure and arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, etc. In elders, the risk of losing consciousness and developing seizures is especially high. Associated injuries that develop during the hypoglycemic-associated complications such fractures, injuries to the legs, etc, may be especially problematic to heal in diabetics. Hypoglycemia in elders is responsible for causing visual and coordination problems. In elders, hypoglycemic symptoms are often perceived as symptoms of ischemia, both by the relatives and the healthcare professionals. This difficulty in recognizing the symptoms worsens the outcome of the disorder. As age increases, the symptoms of hypoglycemia become less severe, and are often altered by the addition of certain atypical symptoms and the absence of the regular ones. In younger individuals, physical symptoms of hypoglycemia develop earlier than that compared to loss of cognitive functions. Hence, the individual may have sufficient time to treat the condition. Besides, if the glucose levels in the blood fall to a very low level, it cannot be restored to normal by administering glucose orally. Usually a close relative or the spouse can recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia by noting that the patient looks at a distance or demonstrates several other symptoms such as repeated blinking, loss of speaking skills, deep breathing, aggressiveness, etc. It may be considered that individuals with greater control over their diabetes are also in good control of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia can occur during fasting and even after consumption of food (as a reactionary mechanism). Hypoglycemia can occur following several drug therapies such as along with steroids, beta-blockers, ethanol, insulin, disopyramide, etc. Hypoglycemia can evidently lead to neuroglycemia. Although, 50 mg/dl of blood is considered to be hypoglycemia, symptoms are produced at 40 mg/dl, and coma and seizures frequently occur at 20 mg/dl. As hypoglycemia can occur frequently and has a high rate of mortality as well as morbidity, the importance of identifying and treating it should be explained to the patient and his/her relatives. The individual should be warned of the symptoms that could develop during the mild (confusion, light-headedness, etc), moderate (headache, behavior alternations, etc) and serious (seizures, coma, unconsciousness) stages of hypoglycemia. The individual should also be told of the situations in which hypoglycemia can commonly develop such as excessive consumption of anti-diabetic medications, excessive use of insulin, reduced consumption of foods, additional exercises or physical activity, alcohol consumption, etc. The individual should be advsied of the hypoglycemic symptoms that can develop during sleep (such as sweating, nightmare, hunger, etc). Thus it can be seen that hypoglycemia is a frequent complication especially in diabetes. It should be adequately controlled utilizing some simple precautions. In case the individual develops hypoglycemia, immediate recognition and emergency treatment is essential in order to prevent the development of neuroglycemia and serious complications like permanent brain damage. References: Boyle, P. J. (2000). Hypoglycemia, In. Leahy, N. L. , Clark, N. G. , and Cefalu, W. T. (Ed. ), Medical Management of Diabetes Mellitus, New York: Marcel-Dekher. Mangione, R. A. (1996). Recognition and Management of Hypoglycemia, Retrieved 14 Janaury, 2007, from US Pharmcist Web site:
Friday, September 20, 2019
The three main areas of non verbal communication
The three main areas of non verbal communication Personal: involves various kinds of non verbal behavior unique to one person. The meaning is also unique to the person sending the message, for example a person may laugh due to nervousness or fear ,while another may cry these responses non verbally communicate discomfort. A person might bite his nails in anticipation or walk to n fro in state of confusion. Cultural: Characteristic of a group of people, it is learned unconsciously by observing others in the society or a group. In different cultures individuals tend to behave in a unique way according to their upbringing and culture .For example nowadays in few parts of India if a boy and girl are dating each other and they walk hand in hand, it would be a big taboo in the society whereas in the western culture its quite normal. In our culture body language plays a vital role , traditionally to welcome someone into our homes we hold our hands together and bow down our heads ,to show they are welcomed into our house and they would be treated equal to their gods . Another bright example would be , when Indians nod their head sideways as a yes it would seem as a no and use the same signal as no which in fact gets people all over the world confused. Universal :Behavior that is common to human kind. It shows happiness, sadness or deep-seated feelings .Universally speaking its accepted in all the cultures where when a person speaks in a low tone generally shows respect towards the other person and when a person speaks in a high tone of voice it usually means commanding or disrespectful in other occasions. 2.Classification of Non-verbal communications Kinesics: is the study of non-verbal communication achieved by movement of the body. Example facial expressions (mouth and eyes are the two indicators of emotion) and Posture and Gesture (movement of arms, hands head, feet and legs), winking your eye at someone would be sending out a signal of mischief or raising both your eyebrows would show that you have not understood a message or a state of confusion or it could be with the mouth, your happiness could be brought forward with a smile or a frown can clearly show your sadness. Proxemics: is the study of communication with aspects of physical distances (space) between individuals. In simple words proximity means nearness. There are lot of factors where space would play as an important factor for communication some of them are status , roles , culture, gender and age. It would be smart if an individual knows as to how much space he/she has to maintain while communicating with the other person for example it would be quite awkward to stand right in front of your boss while he/she is addressing. Haptics: Communication based on sense of touch. For example stroking, hitting ,holding , handshake  or patting. By sense of touch you could send variety of messages , a nice and firm hand shake would mean that the other person is really expected and welcomed, where as a strong hand shake would definitely mean dominance .A pat on the shoulder to a male colleague would mean encouragement and the same to a female colleague would definitely mean sexual harassment these days. Oculesics: communication regarding usage of eye , its a very common thing as we as human beings judge a person at his/her first appearance and how physical appearance really matters for example when a man is meeting a woman he instantly judge her completely based on her appearance and the women too would see how the man is dressed or his shoes , this type of communication is completely based on outward appearance. Environment: it can influence the outcomes of communication and it eases up people and match their expectations be it at an office or a regular bar. For example organizations give full consideration to the office space its layout, sales area , ergonomics and many more things to create an environment where one would feel its solace and blend in. 3. A communication effectively used for decoding a message through a sender and a receiver without any use of words is known as non verbal communication, this form of communication tends to be unconscious and often reveals the senders feeling and preferences more spontaneously and honestly than the verbal form of communication, few examples of non verbal communication are , Facial expressions Body language Tone of voice Gestures Behaviors Every culture has its own uniqueness of non verbal communication involved in it , As for me hailing from India few of the communication methods could be effectively seen such as, Facial expressions: part of kinesics which involves communication involving expressions through mouth and eyes which indicate various emotions.In India facial expressions play an important role, one could notice it in everyday life ,for example in south of India Kerala there is a famous form of ballet / opera / dance known as kathakali which is based completely on facial expressions , in a traditional Indian family is a wife has to call her husband from a rendezvous amongst his friends , she would not call him by his name or send somebody to call him , she would partially hide behind the curtain wait till she catches his eyes and signal him to come inside. Body language: This form of non verbal communication usually involves gestures by physical ability as simple as waving your hand to bid good bye to someone which is universally known or waving both the hands to say no .As per my experience goes , every move of yours is thoroughly judged at a point of interview when u lean forward it shows you are genuinely interested and when your posture is more relaxed it clearly shows you are not paying enough attention or not interested. Tone of voice : This form of non verbal communication purely depends on an individuals intrapersonal skills, how well he/she is able to communicate , tone of voice sends out clear message if the person on the other end is clearly appreciated or not. India has been a male dominated country right from history, so the head of the house is always the male person , An Indian wife would always speak in a low tone of voice to show respect for her spouse and her submission towards him .A son/ daughter too would behave in the same manner , speaking in high tone of voice would show utter disrespect to the head of the house. When a teacher speaks in the class no student would speak up even outside the class of school premises the student always shows respect to their teachers my maintaining a low tone of voice. Gestures : This form of non verbal communication clearly deals with gestures gestures according to the dictionary simply means A motion of the limbs or body made to express or help express thought or to emphasize speech. As India is a multi ethnic , multi cultural and a country with many religions has a varied effect on the people and their behavior. Simply to greet a relative or a close friends Muslims in our country simply hug the other person three times from right to left shoulder and then left to right shoulder where as another dominant religion Hinduism the younger person touches the feet of the elder person to seek his good will or blessings. Behaviors: According to the dictionary the very meaning explains us that it is the actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to external or internal conditions and according to ones behaviors we could clearly understand the message he/she is trying to communicate. In our culture ones character is always judged by his/her behavior, for example we personalize with everyone very easily, imagine if a cab driver is little elderly we would straight away call him uncle ,if he is comparatively younger we would call him brother .In another example just to show respect for elders whenever they walk into the room , everybody stands up and welcomes them. 4. As a HRM manager recruiting for finance manager position I would prepare myself with these following questions, Open What qualities according to you should a good finance manager posses ? Close If you are selected for this position, would you be able to join immediately ? Probing Could you narrate an incident where you have handled a crisis effectively as a finance manager ? 5.Active listening :communication at its best to help others understand the problem or a situation from an individuals point of view. An active listener has empathy with the speaker. Active listening often involves the use of confirmation ,rejection or disconfirmation. Active listening in a business environment is quite essential right for example, right from the basics of an interview the interviewer would notice how much of an active listener you are , a sign of active listening would definitely be of what we spoke of earlier , body language ,gesture and behavior. In a business setting every one has to coordinate with each other , a simple message of urgency could be passed through number of employees and if anyone of them is not paying enough of attention the would message and its meaning would change till it reaches at the other end. Imagine customer service for an instance and grieved customer calling the support team to tell about his issues regarding the product and if the representative is not actively tuned to the conversation , the whole point of customer service is lost and it would definitely leave the customer more infuriated. In a sales scenario if a customer has ordered for 30 packages and the employee has understood it as 13 , it would lead into utter chaos these factors would majorly impact the business and finally it has a bright chance of getting shut. The main factor of active listening are acknowledgment empathize clarity acknowledgment : The act of admitting or owning to something .If a person is trying to communicate a message acknowledge the fact that you have understood or comprehended verbally or non verbally (face to face situation). Empathize : accepting the emotional dimensions of a message. For ex: I understand how u feel about this ! à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Clarity : If a person is unclear in his attempt to send a message across , it is not wrong to politely ask that person to clarify his stand or repeat the sentence again .This would avoid any confusion or misunderstanding. 6.The six thinking hats concept has been designed to improve thinking effectiveness and how an individual can utilise them in negotiations are, facts and information :An individual at this stage should be gaining knowledge about the company and its payment  to the employees as in does it pay well or not , based on that the individual could expect. feelings and emotions :Should be able to express his/her willingness to join the team or the company , so it should seem that the candidate is genuine for the pay he/she is expecting. critical judgment :this is where the interviewers come up with the counter strategy , building up anxiety expressing things like , the market is pretty dull cant expect more etc but as a negotiation scenario one should stand up as per the expectations. Positive: This is where an individual has to be promising , it is a situation completely opposite to critical judgment , its a reply to that hat . New ideas: It is based around the idea of provocation and thinking for the sake of identifying new possibilities. This is often carried out on critical judgment statements in order to identify how to get past the barriers or failings identified, in other words as said earlier the individual has to be promising. Big picture: This stage is where one has to rethink as to what have we done so far? and question what can we do next? In simple words just analyze the situation. All these steps would definitely help in successful negotiation. 7.Feedback we get to hear this word quite often, it simply means response to an inquiry. In todays entire business setting feedback is quite essential. It can be noticed from two different point of views from the companys and the customers perspective. Feedback has two important factors, self assessment making your own judgment about your performance and contribution to the teams work. Peer assessment receive feedback from team members. Feedback can be of two kinds positive and negative. Positive feedback is something received when a task has been completed exceptionally well and negative feedback means something has been done which is not up to the expectations and needs to be improved. A company launches a product which has never been produced by any another companies and it is quite new in the market, how would one know if the product is wanted and is in demand, the answer is feedback . When the product enters the market through a big advertising campaign customers would get attracted to it and finally buy it, if the customer wants more of it, he would order it again in this cycle we would know that the product is in demand and if it is not much in demand then the company would request the customer and enquire what lacks in that product and when the customer replies to the company about the product it would be a feedback. An employee at the same firm who has been working hard and diligently known for his work receives an appreciation, this too can be a form of feedback. This in fact could encourage the employee to sustain his performance or even improve which in fact would help the productivity in the company (positive feedback) , on the other hand if the employee is little slow and not hard working if he/she gets a notice that improvement is needed or hard work needed then the employee would know what he needs to do (constructive feedback). Negative feedback is easy to understand it could be a termination letter. Feedback then is very important for a company if it needs to change or prosper. 8.Assertiveness meaning positive it is a kind of constructive and helpful behavior when an issue arises ,this for of communication is a way if dealing with issues if unfair use of power and gaining respect and recognition. Standing up for your rights and expressing what you believe , feel and want in direct, honest and appropriate ways that respects the right of the other person. The four steps which would help me become an effective manager are Set limits have a bottom line and be treated with respect expect to be fairly rewarded for work be comfortable with ourselves have our health and safety considered have our needs considered. Refusals: say no to requests that are unreasonable, unfair or beyond what is expected in our job without feeling guilty. Be direct ,clear and honest. Persistence or broken CD technique You have clear views and can justify your viewpoint. Making requests. Ask for what you want . Set the tone. Be relevant : communicate about what is relevant. References: Written notes and lecturer hand outs from the business communication class. and                                      Â
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Review of a Website Essay -- Website Review, Reliable Sources
â€Å"If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday,†quoted Pearl Buck. Most everyone has a time in their life where history becomes important to them. Whether that be tracing back family heritage, writing a research essay, or just out of curiosity. All and all, history is very influential to people’s lives and what better way to learn about history then to visit the website â€Å"Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement.†This credible website offers an opportunity for the public to learn more about our American history in an interactive and creative way. The creators of the image archive arrange features, cross-referencing and images with the Adobe Flash plug in program in order to enhance learning. The site offers various virtual exhibits that can be explored. The American Eugenics Movement included key events, persons, and social conditions that formed the development. There are nine specific virtual exhibits that are presented: social origins, scientific origins, research methods, traits studied, research flaws, eugenics popularization, marriage laws, sterilization laws and immigration restriction. All of these options show evidence of the development and expansion of The American Eugenics Movement. The first thing most notable about this website was their sense of design. A black ebony background illuminated with old brush style text and decorative graphics, welcomes and invites the visitor to â€Å"Enter†their website. This particular idea is a very artistic way of getting people to interact with their website. It is studied that most people learn better by hands on interaction, instead of reading perhaps plain, boring text. The website is appealing and fairly easy to navigate within the various browsers.... ...hives date back to July 2009. Even twitter and facebook links are offered in order to share information. This was all possible by the Dolan DNA Learning Center producers. In conclusion, the American Eugenics movement website is most beneficial to the public and distributes information appropriately and accessibly. The movement was very influential towards our history today, and it is noted that the information should be easy and fun to learn through this creative and unique website. Every part of information on this site has a reliable source and author which is important when citing a source. Overall, most everyone has a time in their life where history becomes important to them, and with the help of the â€Å"American Eugenics Movement†website, people can continue to correlate history with their lives and learn more about how history changed our world forever.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Huck Finn Analysis :: essays research papers
Huckleberry Finn: Analysis Conflicts: Man vs. Man -The man vs. man conflict is brought up many times throughout this story. The first that is posed is the conflict between Huckleberry and Pap. Pap is Huckleberry’s abusive biological father, and an alcoholic to boot. He first comes in and tries to steal his son’s fortune, just so he can get drunk. Huckleberry is kidnapped by his father for a short time, and during this is beaten many times. Huckleberry eventually escapes as he saws his way out of a shed with an old saw he finds. He then kills a pig to fake his own death and smears blood all over the shed so the story is more believable. Man vs. Nature      -The conflict between man and nature in this book are shown many times, most occurring on the Mississippi River, as Huckleberry and Jim escape many towns. The first time it appears is when Jim predicts a storm coming. Two days later it does, and floods ensue. Jim and Huckleberry have to wait out for the next few days until the river recedes. Later on, Huckleberry loses Jim in a massive fog, but they are later reunited. Huckleberry makes up a false story explaining how he got lost, but Jim doesn’t buy it. Man vs. Himself      -The man vs. himself conflict is another conflict that is brought out through the story, as Huckleberry constantly challenges his morals with the way he is brought up, as a racist southern boy, and his own personal beliefs. The main point of this conflict is mostly based on the way society treats Jim. Many times in the story, Huckleberry treats Jim poorly, merely because of his skin color, as he does such things as place a rattlesnake skin near Jim as he is sleeping, which ends in Jim with a snake bite. Also, since Jim is a slave, and his color, many references to the word â€Å"nigger†are plagued throughout the story, as he is being called one, and so are the rest of the black population. But that’s where Huckleberry’s conflict arises. He sees Jim as a nice, kind hearted man (which he is) and wishes to set him free. But at the same time, he has his own prejudices as in chapter twenty-three, Huck has a revelation. Watching Jim mourn because o f his far away family, Huck concludes that blacks must love their families as much as whites love theirs.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Brand and Chapter
CB2201 Consumer Behaviour Lecturers: Kristina Georgiou and Alison Barker Tutorial Questions Trimester 1, 2013 Students Week 2 – 04/03/13 Chapter 8 1. 2. 4. How does a discrepancy between the ideal state and the actual state affect consumer behavior? What factors affect the inclusion of brands in the consideration set, and why would a company want its brand in the consideration set? What six broad groups of sources can consumers consult during external search. Where does the Internet fit into these groups. Chapter 9 3. 6. 7. How do consumers use compensatory and noncompensatory decision-making models?How do appraisals and feeling, as well as affective forecasting, influence consumer decision making? What three contextual elements affect consumer decision-making?Week 3 – 11/03/13 Chapter 10 5. 6.What is brand loyalty, and what role does it play in low-effort decision-making? How do price and value perceptions affect low-effort decision making? Chapter 11 3. 5. How do expe ctations and performance contribute to disconfirmation? Why is complaining important to marketers and how should complaints be handled?Week 4 – 18/03/13 Chapter 2 Case Study – SUBMIT CASE ANSWERS IN CLASS WHAT’S IN A STORE AT UMPQUA BANK 1. 2. 3. How does Umpqua enhance consumer motivation by making itself personally relevant to customers? Explain, in consumer behavior terms, how the Innovation Lab enhances customers’ ability to process information about banking products and services? What is Umpqua doing to enhance consumers’ opportunity to process information about financial services? Week 5 – 25/03/13 Chapter 3 1. 4. 5. How do zipping and zapping affect consumers’ exposure to stimuli such as products and ads.What is perception, and what methods do we use to perceive stimuli? Differentiate between the absolute threshold and the differential threshold, and explain how these concepts relate to Weber’s Law. HEINZ IS LOOKING FOR ATTENTION – SUBMIT CASE ANSWERS IN CLASS 1. Using the concepts discussed in this chapter, explain how Heinz has been successful in generating exposure and capturing attention. What other ideas would you suggest Heinz try to foster exposure, attention and perception? In terms of exposure, attention and perception, what are some potential disadvantages of Heinz’s Top This TV contests?Do you think Heinz will benefit long-term from holding a contest for students that focused on the visual appeal of designing single-serve ketchup packets? Explain your answer.2.3. Teaching Free Week Friday – 30/03/13 – Thursday 04/03/13Week 6 – 08/04/13 Mid Term Test in Class BASED ON CHAPTERS 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 & 11Week 7 – 15/04/13Chapter 4 – SUBMIT CASE ANSWERS IN CLASS HYUNDAI ACCELERATES NEW IMAGE MARKETING 1. 2. 3. Why would Hyundai have a voice-over stating â€Å"We’re pretty sure that Mercedes, BMW, and Lexus aren’t going to like it very much†in a Genesis ad? How is Hyundai using country of origin to influence consumers’ inferences about the Genesis? In terms of knowledge and understanding, how is the introduction of the upscale Genesis sedan likely to affect how consumers think about lower-priced Hyundai models? Chapter 5 1. 3. What are attitudes, and what three functions do they serve.What role does credibility play in affecting consumer attitudes based on cognitions?Week 8 – 22/04/13 Chapter 6 2. 3. 5. 7. What role do source, message, context, and repetition play in influencing consumers’ cognitive attitude? What is the mere exposure effect, and why is it important to consumers’ affective reactions. Explain the dual-mediation hypothesis. What are the implications for affecting consumers’ brand attitude? What are the advantages and disadvantages of featuring celebrities in advertising messages? Chapter 7 4. . 6. How can retrieval failures and errors affect consumer memory? How does recognition differ from recall? What is implicit memory, and how can it affect a consumer’s ability to retrieve a brand name?Week 9 – 29/04/13 Presentation DayWeek 10 – 06/05/13 GROUP PROJECT DUE AT BEGINNING OF CLASS 8. 30am Chapter 14 1. 2. 5. Explain the differences between global values, terminal values, instrumental values, and domain-specific values.What are the four main value dimensions along which national cultures can vary? What are the three components of a consumer’s lifestyle? . Chapter 15 2. 5. 7. Why do companies sometimes target opinion leaders for marketing attention? What three techniques can marketers use to encourage consumer compliance? Why is word of mouth so important for marketers?Week 11 – 13/05/13 Chapter 16 4. 5. 6. How can consumers be categorized in terms of their timing of adoption relative to other consumers?What is the product life cycle, and how does it differ from product diffusion? How do consumer learni ng requirements and social relevance affect resistance, adoption, and diffusion? Chapter 18 1. 5. 6. What is compulsive buying, and why is it a problem? What influences environmentally conscious consumer behavior? What can consumers do to resist marketing practices they perceive as unwanted or unethical?Week 12 – 20/05/13 Final Test – In class BASED ON CHAPTERS 14, 15, 16 & 18
Monday, September 16, 2019
Baroque Period through the Romantic Age
Art not only serve as a tool for visual appreciation, but is oftentimes referred to as the mirror of the society. It’s because art effectively conveys or reflects what is happening in a certain society, at a certain period of time. With this, we see art not only as entertainment, but also as social critique. In viewing art, we go deeper than the colors, lines, and shapes that we see.We read between the lines, and look at art in relation to the time and society it was conceived. By doing so, we are able to build a deeper understanding of how and why a specific artwork is created.Indeed, social, political, and economic conditions are able to shape and alter the nature of meaning of art. In order to further understand how art’s nature and meaning are altered by the abovementioned factors, we can specifically look at a certain era in art and scrutinize some of its details. First, we can consider the neoclassical era. Neoclassicism was prevalent during the 18th and 19th cent ury. It was based on Ancient Greek or Roman classics, with high standards on the artwork’s subject, design, and a lot more. We can see that this is the time of abundance, wherein artists follow high standards clearly.Some of the works reflect a time of oppression, of the need to follow the rules and conventions not only in the art but also in the society. This is the time when there were ruling kings and other tyrants, who dictate everyone to conform to the standards and repercussions that he want. No one is above the ruling authority, so the society indeed has to follow. This is reflected in the works of art at this time, one good example is David’s Oath of the Horatii (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File:David-Oath_of_the_Horatii-1784. jpg). Instead of using bright, pastel colors, it uses sharp ones which exude sophistication and clarity in the works.The subject are well-made, life like figures of Roman soldiers and other men. Romanticism is another era in art that w e could consider in order to see how it is affected by social, political, and economic factors. This began during the second half of the 18th century, wherein there is a complex artistic, literary, and intellectual movement. It was also prevalent during the Industrial Revolution. Works of art at these times were considered to revolt against the social and political norms of the ruling aristocrats, as well as the rationalization of nature by science.The works of art in this era exudes strong emotions, giving the viewers a great aesthetic experience. It appeals on emotions like horror and awe, with the use of vibrant colors, unique themes, and creative styles. This era reflects a changing society, moving from the aristocratic rule towards freedom of expression. It does not conform to any rules of design; instead its strong appeal to the emotion is what sets it apart from other eras. A great example of this is Eugene Delacroix’ Liberty Leading the People which commemorate the to ppling down of a prominent political figure during the French Revolution (http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Liberty_Leading_the_People). The liberation from the ruling aristocrat inspired the creation of this work, and it exudes great emotion in its subject, a half naked woman leading the people forward, walking past the bodies of the fallen during the war. Another example is Francisco Goya’s The Third of May 1808, wherein he depicts the oppression during the reign of Napoleon I, commemorating the Spanish resistance to the invading French ruler (http://eeweems. com/goya/3rd_of_may. html).
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Mental Health Self Reflection Assignment Essay
Introduction Although theoretical preparation clearly is important, there is no substitute for the learning that takes place during clinical experiences. Clinical experience is acknowledged as being the core of nursing education. As nursing student without previews experience in mental health, I was reflecting the same attitude held by general public that mentally ill patient are dangerous, prone to violence, unpredictable, and to some degree responsible for their illnesses. Also, at the beginning of the semester, I felt unprepared, anxious and stressed before starting mental health clinical but the positive relationships with clinical staff gave me confidence and increased my satisfaction with the clinical experience. However, I found that over the course of the clinical experience and through observation and active participation that I started feeling less anxious and more comfortable interacting with the patients in the facility. Narrative The few first clinical days, I was fearful to be around patients suffering mental illness such as anxiety disorder, mood disorder, psychotic disorder, personality disorder and so on. I felt that one of those patient may smack me or hit me , especially that on the first day of clinical one of the patient in the facility was right on the back of one the student sniffing on her hair. After time in the facility, I start feeling a little more comfortable around the patient. Then a different fear start, which is how to pick the right words in the right situation .for instance, a hallucinating patient start making a story from the picture of the celebrities on the magazines on the table of the lunch room, at that time I felt that my theoretical learning would not help me on how to communicate with this patient. So, my only option was to keep listening to him, show interest in his stories and give little to no feedback by nodding my head as I did understand the subject of the conversation. Furthermore, many times I felt that I had become very emotional and had empathy toward young girls’ patients especially those who got physically or sexually assaulted by close family member. For example, a teenage girl who was sexually assaulted by her grandfather and what worsen the situation that her mother knows but she didn’t do anything to help her. Also, another situation where a young female women in her early twenties had made many attempt to commit suicide.As a result of absent family support after her mother passed away when she was 15 years old, her father have another family in Japan and she was sexually abused by her own brother. As a woman and a mother of two girls, I felt that I cannot stand those kinds of situations where I had to be very careful, patient and cautious all at one time. However as nurse student, I was trying hard to separate between my feeling and clinical setting and to keep acting and responding to patient in an appropriate professional way. Clinical setting was a great learning experience for me as I got to see how mentally ill patient in the real world instead of a bunch of descriptive words in the psychology book. For example Miss P diagnosis was psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. I was very impressed to see this patient bizarre behaviors during a ten minutes team meeting in which the patient flip from showing a strong personality at the beginning, to an angry person in a few minutes later, to be an actor ,then laugh then cry then laugh again in such a short period of time. Moreover, I felt that the nurses and staff provided to me and other students a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere by answering our questions, allowing us to join staff meeting and group therapy and counseling. In my opinion, the stuff attitude toward student is an important component in creating a positive clinical experience. Literature review These negative and stigmatizing attitudes seem to be more prevalent at the begening of the nursing program with more positive attitudes reported by students in their final year of training (McCann et al., 2010, p. 34) these attitudes appear to have a significant influence on nursing students’ career choices. However, orientation to the clinical areas should not only familiarize students to the physical environment and policies and procedures relevant to the clinical setting, but also must acknowledge students’ anxiety and offer students strategies to address this. The lack of experience contributes to student stress in clinical practice and can lead to nursing students being confused about their roles (Grav, Juul, & Hellzen, 2010). AS a result, students often demonstrate a lack of confidence and a sense of inadequacy with their role of therapeutic interaction. Therefore, clinical staff and nurse educators need to be effective in anticipating and alleviating clinical stress for students. It is important that educators encourage students to advocate the people they are working with, but to do this, students need support. Emotional support is identified as being an important component of the role of both the clinical mentor/preceptor and the academic lecturer/instructor (Koskinen et al.,2011). However, with appropriate support nursing students will grow in skills, knowledge and confidence throughout their clinical experience. Conclusion Through the clinical experience, I have learned something new about myself. I have learned basic counseling skills by listening to the patient, identifying potential problems, empathizing with him and providing basic care to prevent further problem. I didn’t know that with just a few simple words of encouragement and empathy, it could please and calm a mentally ill patient. Communication can make the patient, feel relaxed and cheerful. For example Miss H end up in the facility as a result of an attempt to commit suicide. In addition to medication, one to one therapy and group therapy helped Miss H to look at the reasons and causes which led her to find life meaningless and thinking of death as an escape. Finally, I have learned that supporting recovery requires a cultural awareness embedded in the vision of values and trust (NHS, Scotland, 2011). Therefore, this working relationship to recovery is a very valuable process which puts the responsibility on promoting personal and professional growth and understanding. To conclude, I hope to improve further in my psychosocial and counseling skills as I continue my journey in nursing. References References Koskinen, L., Mikkonen, I., & Jokinen, P. (2011). Learning from the world of mental health care: nursing students’ narratives. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 18(7), 622-628. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2850.2011.01711.x NHS Scotland, (2010) An Evaluation of the Impact of the Dissemination of Educational Resources to Support Values-Based and Recovery-Focused Recovery Learning Materials. McCann, T., Clark, E., & Lu, S. (2010). Bachelor of Nursing students career choices: A three year longitudinal study. Nurse Education Today, 30(1), 31-36. Grav, S., Juul, E. M. L., & Hellzen, O. (2010). Undergraduate nursing student experiences of their mental health clinical placement. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research & Clinical Studies / Và ¥rd i Norden, 30(1), 4-8.
Kantian Ethics Essay
Immanuel Kant’s moral theory has become the heart of deontological ethics. It differentiates itself by looking at morality as an extension of man’s reason. Unlike other ethical theories, the individual is seen as the primary actor of all moral decisions. His autonomy, his will is seen as the locust of ethical judgment. For Kant in order for an act to be considered morally worthy it has to be done out of duty. From my understanding of Kant, when we talk of duty it is something which our reason recognizes as a manifestation of a universal law, one which he/she cannot deny. Doing the right thing is not about whether or not the outcome might be gauged to be positive, or that because an individual â€Å"feels†that he/she must perform a particular act rather she â€Å"knows†that it is his/her duty. In order to be ethically praiseworthy, the person must ask himself, â€Å"Am â€Å"I†the one who is deciding and acting? †The morality of Kant builds on the want of the philosopher to describe and order an ethical life that is centered on the rational faculty of man, his reason. It is the case that in a lot of cases people tend to look at the possible consequences of an action in judging whether or not what they’re about to do is moral or not. At times we act out of good intentions, helping others, sharing, et al. because we feel that it’s the good thing to do. Unfortunately, Kant won’t agree with our ways. In fact, he would even say that such actions have no moral worth. For Kant, the important thing is our obligation to do something, feelings, intentions, and consequences may gain the approval of others but they are too whimsical. There is for him an a priori (before reason) law which tells us what ought to be done. As rational beings we are dignified with our ability to discern this law, much more, we are capable of making it (Kremling, n. d. ). To act contrary to what our reason dictates, is choosing to act in heteronomy, a big no-no for Immanuel Kant because it belittles the individual, the latter produces as a result, acts that are empty. If Kantian Morality sounds a bit of feel-good emotions, intentions, and happy thoughts, then I think we’re on the right track. Ethics in terms of Kant is not about making another person smile; it’s not about calculating how many people you could help out by doing something. At the end of the day, acting on such things are all half-chances, there is no guarantee that by helping someone out would be good, there’s no assurance that if you think of the number of people who would benefit, it means you won’t harm others. Autonomy plays a central role in the moral theory of Kant, in such a way that a man must in his own volition choose to legislate a universal law and act in accordance to it. How does one determine which acts are in accordance with good will per se and is thus uninversalizable? For Kant all actions can be stated as a maxim, a person as an autonomous person creates the maxim but at the same time has to make sure that it is a principle that every rational being can agree to with no exceptions. This is the categorical imperative, contrary to the hypothetical imperative which is stated as an If-then. I. e. If I want to pass this class then I have to study; the Categorical Imperative claims a universal statement that is true at all times (. When a person acts out of duty the latter is presumed to have passed the categorical maxim put forward to state the action: In layman’s terms we could state the maxim as a question first, i. e. can I will to cheat on an exam, in such a way that others would as a whole can will to do so? There are categorical imperatives that have been formulated by Kant as the most basic of ethical requirements, like for example, Lying is an act that for him will never become morally justifiable, we must always follow the imperative to never use a person but always as an end (Hillar, 2003). We again see here the theme of dignity and respect, man and his reason is central in the ethical works of Kant. Even if for example in doing an act we would do so for the good of the majority, it would still not be valid if a minority would be sacrificed along the way. We do something because it ought to be done as determined by our reason and verified through the maxim which we test and attempt to put as a categorical imperative; the latter could be thought of as the fixed rules that govern how we as rational agents act. The main criticisms to be raised with regards to other ethical theories are founded on the assumptions of Kant regarding the fulfillment of moral obligation for the sake of good in itself. Utilitarianism takes as a central part of its tenets, the concept of summum bonum (greatest good for the greatest number). If we look at this ethical formulation we shall see that it would contradict with the notion of Kant that Human Being should always be considered ends never as a means, not even for the greatest number. Problem may also arise in the altruistic claims of utilitarian moralizing. One ought not to pursue something out of happiness or other virtues like Aristotle’s notion of the good man as the man of mean and virtues. This would not qualify for Kant as enough grounds to pursue good, because as he had mentioned in the groundings, prior to the good is the good will with which there is no qualification (Johnson, 2004). If one is an individualist, he might more likely be pleased with the ethical prescriptions of Kant. I personally find strength in his moral philosophy in finding support for the need to protect certain inalienable rights. In focusing on a moral law, his theory is not vulnerable to the attacks of situational morality but rather focuses on the man as a rational being and a moral agent, whose will is in a sense the will of all (Baron, 1995). There is stability and consistency in Kant’s moral philosophy by centering on the autonomy of all individuals under the precept that when it all boils down to it, man shares a common reason and will that would allow them to determine what is right from wrong. On the other hand I think that there are certain things in life wherein following the rules set through categorical imperatives would not suffice. There are moral dilemmas wherein human lives are hanged in the balance. Although reason can help us in making our decisions, the moral duties of Kant can only go so far. I am left to wonder how a person could be satisfied with himself in pointing the whereabouts of innocent African-Americans to deranged members of the Ku Klux Clan who are vowing to kill them; on the basis of fulfilling his moral duty of always telling the truth. Take note, in Kant’s philosophy, there is no hierarchy of duties, one has to fulfill them all, regardless of the outcome. References: Baron, Marcia, 1995, Kantian Ethics Almost Without Apology Cornell: Cornell U. P. Hillar, Marian, 2003, Kant’s Moral Axioms, Retrieved August 3, 2007 from Socinian. org: http://www. socinian. org/kant. html Johnson, Robert, 2004, Kant’s Moral Philosophy, Retrieved August 4, 2007 from Stanford
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Canadian Women and the Second World War Essay
The changing roles of women throughout history has been drastic, and none more so than the period during and after World War II. The irrevocable changes that occurred once the war started and women went to work were unprecedented. In the end, the changing role of Canada’s women during the War was the beginning of a chain reaction of events that have forever changed the Canadian workplace and also that of men’s archaic views on the capabilities of women in general. Many look back to the period during the war in which women were encouraged to get out of the kitchen and go to work, and wonder how a five year period could be so instrumental in forever changing the norms of society? Two authors, who attempt to sift through a mountain of information and provide a clear picture in response to this question, are Jeff Keshen and Ruth Roach Pierson. Both authors paint a slightly different picture from the piles of papers, minutes, war diaries and publications that covered that pivotal period during World War II where so many Canadians women found their voice and their freedom from domesticity. Canadian Women and the Second World War Ruth Roach Pierson’s essay is written with purely the perspective of women in mind, and the article itself is geared towards a female audience. The writer briefly describes the conditions of Canada at the onset of the war and the societal views of the role of women. Although there are no quoted references sited for this essay, there was a vast amount of alternative reading where I am sure one could draw numerous conclusions. Even with the lack of references, I did find this essay the most compelling especially, given the current climate of women in the work force. Ruth Roach Pierson describes in great detail the plight women faced during the war, when they were encouraged by the government and the needs of their families to get out and help support their families financially while all of the men were away at war. She goes on to describe the working conditions and child care situations for working women which were less than adequate. As a member of the Canadian Forces and a woman, the most interesting part of the article for me was the descriptions of how women became a uniformed part of the military and how all three branches of service came to assimilate women into active duty and the roles they were allowed to serve in. Throughout the essay, we were told about the deplorable conditions, the lack of equality the women faced in the workplace, and the stereotypes that were attached to women that proved very difficult and almost impossible to overcome. At most concern was the inequality found between men and women’s pay, benefits and allowances throughout the World War II era and beyond. The lack of equal pay for equal work caused great contention for women and still does to this day (although it is not quite as blatant in the civilian workforce today). The argument of the writer is that the roles taken on by women during the war forever changed the roles of women in society. I agree with her argument. Had it not been for the war, and the call to work and the military, things would be very different in our society for women, even today. The war was the instrument to get Canadian women to work, and once there, women found their voices to fight the inequality with respect to working conditions and pay, and paved the way for the next generation of women to continue to work and fight for an equal playing field with their male counterparts . Revisiting Canada’s Civilian Women during World War II Jeff Keshen’s essay is without a doubt written from a man’s perspective without much sympathy to the plight civilian women experienced during the World War II era. This article is very well written and cites over 100 references, making for a very factual account of the times. This article was geared more towards what contributions were made by civilian women versus the article by Ruth Roach Pierson which put most of the focus on women’s roles within the military. Jeff Keshen’s article explains how the media plays a of the time played a pivotal role in doing two things specifically, one was to get the women out to work, support their families and contribute to the war cause. The second countered the last by telling women were over and over told how important their role in the home was. Throughout this article the writer makes numerous references towards how the government of Canada attempted to do the right thing towards female workers during the war, but it also shows how the government’s heart wasn’t into it, thus just making offers to female workers just to appease their complaints for the time being until the war was over. The government was terrible on providing financial support to women whose husbands were away at war, offering only meager amounts of their pay each month, thus forcing more women into the workforce. The article goes on to further explain how during the war, women felt empowered by their circumstances and how once the war was over that women continued to fight towards equality and many refused to ‘go back to the kitchen’ after the war and further challenged the norms by continuing to work. In conclusion, the most compelling argument found during both articles was the willingness of women to move forward and support their families, no matter the cost or the inequalities found between their male counterparts. I have always heard said that ‘women are the backbone of society’. Now, this may not be entirely true in the year 2011 with the shared roles of women and men in families, but it certainly can be said for the years during World War II. Women were faced with the challenge of having their spouses and breadwinners away from home, and they were also faced with the uncertainty of their safe return home to their families. When you couple this with the call from their government and society to join the work force to help the war effort and take over the roles of the men in society while they were away. Eagerly the women answered that call, and stepped up to take over the roles the men used to hold before the war. Not only were they working full-time jobs, but they were still in charge of their households and raising their children and taking over and completing the roles of husband and fathers for an extremely long period of time.
Friday, September 13, 2019
City of Newark, New Jersey Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
City of Newark, New Jersey - Research Paper Example Old English religion, commonly referred to as Puritan Congregational Church influenced several aspects of the emergent community for several decades. Commercial and other sociocultural events in the emerging town in the 118th Century took a Puritan influence until other incoming religions diluted the strict cultural and religious values in the second decade of the century (Internet Archive, n.d.). Today, the city of Newark is as shown in figure 1 below. Figure 1: City of Newark, NJ Map Courtesy of Iron deposits discovered in the nearby mines changed the economic fortunes of the town, making an important commercial feeder for New York via ferry. The special relationship in the two Cities perhaps facilitated the growth of Newark than if it were not a raw material producer and feeder to other major cities like New York. When the Revolution occurred, the town had sufficient commercial establishment to sustain its conve rsion into a number of industries including agriculture, banking, insurance, brick making, plaster and corset industries, textile, jewelry, leather and brewery supported by an efficient transport system. Its growth as a leading City in the whole of New Jersey traces back to the days when it started to emerge as nan important business center supporting other settlements as far as New York. Its emergence as a modern City was precipitated by commercial interests from major investors such as Thomas Edison’s bulb and electrical innovations industry nearby, Stephen Crane’s literary works and library products leading to a popular printing press among several other investors (Gombach, 2012). Geography Newark is a City in State of New Jersey, towards the northeast of the State at 40Â °43?27?N 74Â °10?21?W and has a geographical stretch of 26.107 miles2 (67.617 km2). A significant fraction of its area (7.35 per cent) is water towards the Passaic River and Newark Bay, with neig hborhoods including Belleville Township to the North, Elizabeth to the South, Jersey City to the East and Maplewood Township to the West. Newark City is among the few cities in the US hosting huge populations in their relatively small size when compared to other major cities around the country as shown on Figure a. Downtown positions of the busy city include Market Street junction with Broad Street and provide numerous business locations in broad street view. Submerged areas along the Newark Bay had to be reclaimed from marshy surface to usable areas on which several projects such as airports and ports have been established. Wards distinguish the various sections of the City into administrative regions, with Central Ward occupying the old town’s historical location that houses monumental properties including Lincoln Park and Military Park. The North Ward has the Branch Brook Park, West Ward contains the Fairmont Cemetery and the South Ward has three neighborhoods with Jewish communities as the dominant occupants. City Population Newark City ranks as the 62nd most populous city in the entire country, which is based on the population comparisons with other cities. The population of Newark City with respect to the 2010 census data is estimated at 279,555, with a population growth of about 1.3 per cent since 2000 (CLR, 2012). These figures imply that the city continues to be host to more people within its small space, making it one of the
Thursday, September 12, 2019
My Media Uses and Gratification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
My Media Uses and Gratification - Essay Example In other words, people from all walks of life seek to gratify their needs in line with surveillance or information, personal identity, personal relationships or integration and social interaction, and diversion or entertainment (Marris and Thornham 258). All of these are integral parts of my media uses and gratification discussed in the following sections. Presented in this paper is the analysis of how my media use can illustrate the uses and gratifications theory with alternate perspective of magic bullet theory. Watching television Uses and gratifications theory There are many reasons why I need to watch television. I have personal desires that could be addressed if I watch the television. I could be entertained. It can relax me at some certain level and it is a form of recreation activity for me, and including the people around. In other words, television can address my affective needs which include emotions and pleasures. People have varying emotional needs and watching televisio n seems to gratify them. The very example is watching television that may substantially result to emotional release or sexual arousal. People can cry with sentimental soup opera or be sexually aroused with TV programs with depiction of highly erotic scenes. The above illustration shows that watching television is a form of activity that gratifies one’s specific needs as motivated by personal desire. This also shows that people have significant things to do with television based on gratifying their needs. There are different reasons or intentions why watching television is a must for some people. At some point, television could be a source of information like TV news report or weather forecast, current affairs and live events around the world including popular sports. As for me, watching television is also a source of information. I watch television in order to be also updated with the current economic, political and social status of the country and around the world. In other words, television also helps me gratify my cognitive needs. Magic bullet theory These are specific things I need from watching television, but along the way there are also other things that I encountered which are not integral parts of my needs. For example, commercial advertisements give me specific idea about the latest trend in fashion. Although I also have personal integrative needs, I am not expecting to find them out from watching television. Watching commercial advertisements from television increases my ideas on the latest fashion trends, diet techniques and many more. In other words, it is in this aspect that I am being influenced by the television because it was not my desire to find my needs for fashion trend or diet in there. This is the main point of the magic bullet theory, which states that the audience is substantially influenced by the media due to their being passive and communication has powerful effect on attitudes and behaviors (Kelly 352). It is therefore impor tant to point out that apart from my personal needs as what motivate me to watch television; there are other personal needs that could be addressed by it outside of my innermost desire or intention. It is at this point that television has substantially influenced me not because of my desire to find my needs fulfilled by it, but because it has specifically just informed me beyond my desire
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Cultural Background Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cultural Background Summary - Essay Example Our dance movements can be easily traced to many tribes of sub-Saharan, Sahelean Africa and western dance form. Similarly our music and songs are an amalgamation of African and European styles giving rise to unique styles like jazz, swing, blues and ragtime. When these evolved they were restricted to African Americans only but have become popular the world over. Similarly our folktales were a clever way of preserving the cultural traditions of the past conveyed through the convenience of riveting stories whose magic enthralled not just through words but also the expression and tone of the story teller. Modern day rap songs are an extension of the same. The dialect and distinct accent has also been shaped in the historical melting pot in which English and often unknown various African regional languages were thrown in. We are able to manage the Standard English at school and our unique dialect at home with equal ease. Though we know that our ancestors were forcibly converted, we are practicing Christians and regularly go to the church in the best possible dresses. The women especially like to wear elaborate caps for worship and our gospel songs also display unique African American flavor. Culturally the preference is for brightly colored attire as is the case with many western Africans, though mainstream clothes (fabric and patterns) do influence the dress sense and appearance.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Country Analysis Bangladesh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Country Analysis Bangladesh - Essay Example The rural birth rate was higher than birth rates in urban areas; in 1985 there were 36.3 births per 1,000 in the countryside versus 28 per 1,000 in urban areas. The crude death rate per 1,000 people decreased from 40.7 in 1951 to 12 per 1,000 in 1985; the urban crude death rate was 8.3, and the rural crude death rate was 12.9. The infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births was 111.9 in 1985, a distinct improvement from as recently as 1982, when the rate was 121.9. Life expectancy at birth was estimated at 55.1 years in 1986. Men and women have very similar life expectancies at 55.4 and 55, respectively. Population Distribution: In the late 1980s, about 82 percent of the population of Bangladesh (a total of 15.1 million households) resided in rural areas. With the exception of parts of Sylhet and Rangamati regions, where settlements occurred in nucleated or clustered patterns, the villages were scattered collections of homesteads surrounded by trees. Continuous strings of settlements along the roadside were also common in the southeastern part of the country. Until the 1980s, Bangladesh was the most rural nation in South Asia. In 1931 only 27 out of every 1,000 persons were urban dwellers in what is now Bangladesh. In 1931 Bangladesh had fifty towns; by 1951 the country had eighty-nine towns, cities, and municipalities. During the 1980s, industrial development began to have a small effect on urbanization. The 1974 census had put the urban population of Bangladesh at 8.8 percent of the total; by 1988 that proportion had reached 18 percent and was projected to rise to 30 percent by th e year 2000. Figure 1.1 - Bangladesh Population Graph Urbanization: In 1981 only two cities, Dhaka and Chittagong, had more than 1 million residents. Seven other cities--Narayanganj, Khulna, Barisal, Saidpur, Rajshahi, Mymensingh, and Comilla--each had more than 100,000 people. Of all the expanding cities, Dhaka, the national capital and the principal seat of culture, had made the most gains in population, growing from 335,928 in 1951 to 3.4 million in 1981. rank country population 2005 1. China 1,315,844,000 2. India 1,103,371,000 3. USA 298,213,000 4. Indonesia 222,781,000 5. Brazil 186,405,000 6. Pakistan 157,935,000 7. Russia 143,202,000 8. Bangladesh 141,822,000 9. Nigeria 131,530,000 10. Japan 128,085,000 Figure 1.2 - World Population Table RESOURCES Migration: Internal migration indicated several recognizable trends. Because of increasing population pressure, people in the 1980s were moving into areas of relatively light habitation in the Chittagong Hills and in parts of the Sundarbans previously considered marginally habitable. Agrarian distress caused some movement to urban areas, especially Dhaka. Because of the inhospitable urban environment and the lack of jobs, many newcomers returned at least temporarily to their villages, especially during the harvest season. Unemployment, however, was even
Monday, September 9, 2019
Helping the Elderly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Helping the Elderly - Essay Example Going by this theory, elders are in the stage of self actualization and in this stage, they are not attracted by desires etc. All they need is peace and they will be in a position where they know about themselves clearly. At this stage most of the needs are fulfilled. Relating the theory with the case clearly shows one of the major needs of elders - health. Most of the elders are in need of drugs and medicines to relieve them from their diseases. So medicine also becomes the basic need for elders. Most of the drug/medicine businesses are targeted at this basic need of elders. The elders are in a stage of dependency due to their physical and mental weakness. In this case, both the government and Insurance companies must come to the aid of elders as the elders depend directly on medicine for their survival. The role of Doctors, Health care Industry (Drugs), Insurance Companies and Government have a direct impact on the life of elders. These key persons must change their attitude and mindset from looking at elders as a revenue source and start helping them in their own ways. It's no secret that average costs of prescription drugs have raised dramatically in the past decade. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, average retail prices for brand name drugs in the United States more than doubled between 1990 and 2000, from $27 in 1990 to $65 in 2000. The obvious question is: Why? One of the major reasons is the advertising cost spent by health care companies. The amount of money that has been spent promoting drugs since the new FDA regulations went into effect is staggering. In 1996, the drug industry spent $791 million on mass media advertising. Four years later, that number more than tripled to $2.5 billion. ... I approached the case study considering the important people in the case. i.e. Doctors Health care Industry (Drugs) Insurance Companies Government Elders The role of Doctors, Health care Industry (Drugs), Insurance Companies and Government have a direct impact on the life of elders. These key persons must change their attitude and mindset from looking at elders as a revenue source and start helping them in their own ways. The decisions to be taken by doctors are to charge less to elders. The decisions to be taken by health care industry personnel are to provide drugs at a cheap cost to elders. The decisions to be taken by Insurance companies are to charge low premium from elders and compensate them quickly on their medical expenses. The decisions to be taken by Government are to provide tax cut and provisions on high priced medicines to elders. If possible, the Government must distribute them free of cost to elders. Why are prescription drug prices so high The drug prices are tremendously huge. It's no secret that average costs of prescription drugs have raised dramatically in the past decade. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, average retail prices for brand name drugs in the United States more than doubled between 1990 and 2000, from $27 in 1990 to $65 in 2000. The obvious question is: Why One of the major reasons is the advertising cost spent by health care companies. The amount of money that has been spent promoting drugs since the new FDA regulations went into effect is staggering. In 1996, the drug industry spent $791 million on mass media advertising. Four years later, that number more than tripled to $2.5 billion. All told, the U.S. drug industry spent $15.7 billion
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Political Action Awareness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Political Action Awareness - Research Paper Example tempts, the basic philosophy of health has not changed, and these measures have been viewed as an inside erosion of the core principles of caring that attracted many professionals to health care initially. Given the values of policy-makers and senior managers of the quasi-market, health care workers found that their practices were molded into a culture that presented them with legislative and ethical challenges. Ethical issues such as promotion of narrow policies, inadequate qualified staff to provide health care and the obligation to follow poorly outlined strategies (Finkelman & Kenner, 2013, 245). Therefore, it is the health professionals’ responses to these issues that will set the scene and write the script for better services in the health care sector of the economy. Despite the presence of collaboration in the various health disciplines, and the shift of balance of power from a medical supremacy to a mutual viewpoint, none of the professionals involved in health care have ownership in the care service they offer. Public health services are owned by funding from the government, and thus professionals involved in the service have no effective voice. Political and professional courage is a necessity amongst managers and nursing leaders so as to steer nursing towards eradicating people’s dualism to individual against collective health and improve social health services. Activist nurses, with an informed vision, can play a significant role in improving the level of discourse in the society. Managers or leading nurses need to outline the conditions for work so that nurses have the responsibility and rights to act as political individuals in national and local arenas. Nurses ought to have a system that moves from being away from people’s daily experience to one that offers resources to policy-makers and the community. For excellent policy making to occur, leading nurses as interpreters and advocates of science must feel sanctioned to support their health
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