Wednesday, December 25, 2019
General Mills Financial Analysis - 1073 Words
General Mills - Generating Balanced Growth From ready-to-eat cereal to convenient meals to wholesome snacks, General Mills is one of the biggest food products manufacturers and competes in growing food categories that are on-trend with consumer tastes around the world. The company markets many well-known brands, such as Haagen Daazs, Yoplait, Betty Crocker, Totinos, and Cheerios, among others. Main rivals include Kellogg, Kraft, Conagra Foods, and Sara Lee. General Mills sells its products in three segments: U.S. retail (63% of net sales), International (25% of net sales), and Bakeries and Foodservices (12% of net sales). In addition, General Mills sells cereals and ice cream through its Cereal Partners Worldwide and Haagen Daazs Japan†¦show more content†¦Efficiency improvement was primarily supported by inventory reduction efforts that, coupled with increase in accounts payable derived from shifts in timing of payments, reduced the cash conversion cycle to 43 days. It is worth noting that during fiscal 2012 the bal ance sheet had an important growth as a result of the acquisition of the international Yoplait business, including goodwill and other intangible assets of $2.3 bn USD. Sales growth also benefited from the acquisition and will be discussed in the next section. General Mills runs a leveraged operation where, in average, the total assets are 3 times shareholders equity. Leverage ratio has decreased since 2010 as retained earnings have increased at a faster pace than assets driven by strong business performance. A slight revamp in the leverage ratio during fiscal 2012 was mainly driven by an increase in other comprehensive losses related to pensions and postemployment activity, and foreign currency translation that offset retained earnings for the same period. Sustainable growth while generating strong levels of cash flows General Mills has shown a strong, sustainable growth throughout the last years. Net sales increase has been driven by a moderate average growth in the US Retail segment (3.8%), coupled with the expansion in the International business (13.4%). The big year on year increase ofShow MoreRelatedHistorical and Financial Analysis of General Mills736 Words  | 3 PagesHISTORICAL AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS GENERAL MILLS (GIS) DUPONT ANALYSIS When analyzing the DuPont model, we determined that GIS has a higher profit margin, low asset turnover ratio, and low financial leverage versus the industry average, leading GIS not to perform with the same efficiency as the Industry Composite. GIS’s return on equity (ROE) was 28.25% in 2011, dipped to 24.41% in 2012, and then rose to 27.80% in 2013. GIS three-year average ROE of 26.82% is below the industry three-year median ofRead MoreGeneral Mills Inc. 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The following financial analysis is primarily focusing on the performance of General Mills Inc for the year 2010 when compared to 2009, but a historic trend of the past 5 financial years is also being taken into account. Balance Sheet Analysis: The Current Assets for GIS decreased for FY10 by nearly 2% compared to FY09, primarily due to a decline in quick assets, namely cash and cash equivalents. The company experienced a terrific growth period in FY08 whenRead MoreThe Coca Mass Foods And Bisco Misr839 Words  | 4 Pagesat the DuPont Analysis it is clear that General Mills has the slow and steady strategy when it comes to the three main factors profit margin, asset turnover and financial leverage. With that consistency their return on equity has been steady in the 24% -28% ranges, where Kellogg has a more volatile ROE. Kellogg over the years has done really well with asset turnover and keeping their inventory at relatively low levels. 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TYPO: The two quarterly figures, $230,187 and $174,673, listed as â€Å"General and admin†in Exhibit 1 should be listed as â€Å"Total operating expenses†. 2. NOTE: Exhibit 6 presents common-sized financials for the industry, not Oracle systems. 3. On a scale of 1 to 100, rate the financial health of Oracle Systems in 1989 andRead MoreKellogg Company : An American Multinational Food Manufacturing Company1268 Words  | 6 Pagesinvestment and credit recommendations.    We have identified General Mills as the closest competitor of Kellogg’s Company as both the companies function in the same segment of the market of convenience and ready to eat consumer products sold through retail chains. Both the companies are more than a century old and product portfolio extends over a large number of well known brands sold worldwide. In terms of revenue Kellogg’s Company and General Mills are comparable with $ 14.8 billion and $ 16.6 billion
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Spain s Plights With Authority - 982 Words
Spain’s Plights with Authority After the change from the Hapsburg to the Bourbon regime, an effort was made to re-invent the way Spain controlled its colonies. The Bourbons sought to strengthen authority and increase revenue from its South American Colonies, yet this would only create colonial unrest and eventual revolution. Spain’s economic, political, and social decisions are factors that eventually lead the colonists to seek other means of governance. Spain’s economic decisions were a key factor in the eventual colonial reasoning to separate from the crown. Spain, upon discovery of the new world, began vast mining operations extracting and exporting rare earth metals such as gold and silver. Spain needed these exports to finance the multiple wars it waged with England and later revolutionary France. By focusing on mining operations, Spain overlooked the possibility of the agricultural markets that could also bring in much needed revenue. But agriculture in th e colonies were only to be used to feed the people and miners. Many creoles disagreed with Spain’s main focus on mining exports and began to sell some of their crops such as cocao, Oaxaca, and indigo as contraband. As this trend became more prominent, instead of stopping the sale all together, the farmers were instead taxed on the contraband they sold. By focusing on gold and silver, Spain also alienated itself from the rest of the world, and didn’t really have anything to offer or trade with theShow MoreRelatedThe Pursuit Of Imperialist Expansion1523 Words  | 7 PagesAlthough it was a significant driving force, economics were secondary to the more important factor present; this very factor has been and will be present in the ethos of America, and had driven the westward expansion of decades prior to the early 1900’s. 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Philip II, 1527-98, king of Spain (1556-98), king of Naples and Sicily (1554-98) and, as Philip I, king of Portugal (1580-98), centralized authority under his absolute monarchy and extended Spanish colonization to the present S United States and the Philippines (which were named after him). From his father, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, he inherited Naples, Sicily, the Low CountriesRead MoreEuropean Imperialism Created a Rift with the World886 Words  | 4 Pagesmuch more powerful Imperial forces [such as England and France,] against each other in order to gain access to the wealth of the Congo. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Business Obligations and Work Ethics
Question: Discuss about the Business Obligations and Work Ethics. Answer: Introduction: Commitments and obligations hold a very crucial part in the success of any business approach. Similarly, the hotel industry is deeply depended on the fulfilment of commitment and obligations to all of the stakeholders (Deva and Bilchitz 2013). The current article is focused on identifying, managing as well as reviewing commitments and obligations associated to the hospitality settings Hotel Regent. The article will be focused on identifying six major obligations of major different categories, which are personal, family community, cultural, business as well as professional. It will also attempt to discuss the major steps that can be undertaken in order to manage these commitments positively with the aim of Hotel Regents success. List of obligations: There are six major obligations that are highly observed in Hotel Regent, which are discussed below: The business will maintain proper ethical guideline throughout its business journey. The business will attempt to actively contribute to lifestyle enhancement of local community. The hotel setting will try to promote local culture at the same time avoiding cultural conflict. The hotel setting will be most leading organization in the hotel industry. The hotel setting would create a greater brand recognition among the target customers The hospitality organization would thrive to satisfy customers with significant quality of service. Strategies for managing those obligations: In order to maintain proper ethical guideline the organization need to undertake several major strategies. First of all, the organization needs to openly communicate with the stakeholders as much as possible so that they can understand the ethical commitments and adhere to them. In addition, the organization needs to develop written policies which would provide a clear guideline in the ethical context (Hirsch and Deixler 2013). Moreover, the organization needs to punish or fine the individual who has been breaking the guidelines. With the aim of lifestyle enhancement of local community, the organization needs to hire the local citizens as full time employees. The organization need to actively plan their work-life balance. In addition, the organization should take part in various development projects in the local community. In order to promote local culture, the organization needs to openly communicate with the local community, so that any conflict cannot arise. The organization would be able to design the hotel setting in such a manner that it presents a cultural ambience throughout the estate (Wetzel 2016). The employees can be encouraged to maintain their cultural attributes so that guests can grasp the true essence of local culture. The organization will effectively identify the opportunities so that it can gain competitive advantage. Hotel Regent will be crucially focused on gradually expanding their business in various places. The hospitality setting would never compromise with the service quality. In order to get higher brand recognition the organization will focus on every means of business communication. The organization will also regularly contribute in the social event so that customers can easily recognise the setting (Lewer et al. 2014). The company will focus on maintaining most impressive image at all time. In order meet the obligation regarding customer satisfaction, the organization would provide effective training to its employees. The organization will extensively research on the customers expectations so that they can meet them. In addition, the organization would concentrate on providing most supportive experience at the time of their stay. Conclusion: The current discussion has effectively identified the major obligations related to the business approach of Hotel Regent. The most effective strategies for fulfilling these commitments have been also discussed. However, it is evident that with the ever changing market trends and customers expectation can force the organization to shape or change their obligations (Deva and Bilchitz 2013). In this context, the organization would keep an active eye on the market forces so that company can undertake a quick, albeit informed decision. Desired business culture: The Hotel Regent will be epitome of friendly and professional work setting in entire hospitality sector. The organization will always focus on respectful approach to all of its stakeholders. The communication will be base pillar of every business activities. The open communication would benefit to ensure that every business activities can be conducted with proper information and impressive cooperation (Meriac et al. 2015). The employees will be encouraged to maintain their work life balance so that they can provide their full effort in the success of the business approach. The training will be able to help them enhance their skills and abilities so that they can shine through the career. In other words, Hotel Regent dreams to develop a cohesive and friendly work unit that can reach pinnacle of success in a smooth fashion. Important culture: From the discussion of desired culture in the Hotel Regent the most important cultures can be easily identified, which are discussed below Friendly environment: The friendly environment ensures that the work place is suitable for healthy and positive outcomes. Respectful Approach: Respectful approach will evidently help the organization ti achieve desired cooperation from all of the stakeholders. Open communication: The open communication is capable of ensuring free sharing of information. Work Life Balance: The work life balance ensures that the employee is capable enough and inclined to contribute in the success of business approach. Training Program: The training program is most influential tool for enhancing overall performance of the organization. Strategies for implementation: I would openly discuss with them regarding the relevance of the desired culture. With the proper perspective on the benefits of these work ethics, the stakeholders would be bound to intimate these work ethics (Spicer and Fleming 2016). I would develop a proper guideline that would state the policies with regards to the work ethic in Hotel Regent. I will undertake a reward system that would appreciate the employees so that they are encouraged to uphold the policies. Monitoring the implementation process: It is evident that the monitoring process will be true factor for the successful implementation process (Van Hoorn and Maseland 2013). Therefore, I would use key chart to marking the occasion where the policies have been met or not met. I will actively reward them who have been contributing to uphold the work ethics. However, the individual, who will hinder the policy would be punished or fined by the guideline. Reference List: Deva, S. and Bilchitz, D. eds., 2013. Human rights obligations of business: beyond the corporate responsibility to respect?. Cambridge University Press. Hirsch, R.D.H. and DEIXLER, H., 2013. Final HIPAA Omnibus Rule brings sweeping changes to health care privacy law: HIPAA privacy and security obligations extended to business associates and subcontractors. Bloomberg Bureau of National Affairs Heath Law Reporter, 415, pp.1-11. Lewer, J., Wigblad, R. and Rydell, A., 2014. A Comparative Analysis of Consultation Obligations on Business over Collective Redundancies in Sweden and Australia. Meriac, J.P., Slifka, J.S. and LaBat, L.R., 2015. Work ethic and grit: An examination of empirical redundancy. Personality and Individual Differences, 86, pp.401-405. Spicer, A. and Fleming, P., 2016. Resisting the 24/7 Work EthicShifting Modes of Regulation and Refusal in Organized Employment. The SAGE Handbook of Resistance, p.121. Van Hoorn, A. and Maseland, R., 2013. Does a Protestant work ethic exist? Evidence from the well-being effect of unemployment. Journal of Economic Behavior Organization, 91, pp.1-12. Wetzel, J.R.M., 2016. Human Rights in Transnational Business: Translating Human Rights Obligations into Compliance Procedures. Springer.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Virtual Memory Research Paper Essay Example
Virtual Memory Research Paper Essay Virtual memory is a computer science term for an advanced form of memory that is used by most operating systems today. Instead of assigning to a program an exclusive part of the working memory that is available, each program can get a virtual equivalent of a full-fledged computer. The operating system is then hidden under this virtual memory space and handles all the real memory resources so that all running programs get what they need, but not more. This allows avoid wastage and memory can be exploited. Memory that is not used at any given time can be stored on another medium, usually secondary storage such as hard drives, until needed. Due to the fact that a hard drive usually has much greater storage capacity than the main memory of a computer, all programs can have a lot more virtual memory than the RAM available in your computer. For example, a program does not need memory C to work from A to B. C can then be stored until the work of C begins. Once the work from B to C started and A is no longer needed it then can be stored. A program that is sleeping or waiting for data from the keyboard or the network does not need any resources until the data comes, the operating system can then store the whole program and then bring it to life again when the data arrived. We will write a custom essay sample on Virtual Memory Research Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Virtual Memory Research Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Virtual Memory Research Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In severe cases, this can cause a phenomenon called thrashing when multiple programs at the same time want to have access to more data than it is really can manage. The data must then be constantly moved to and from the hard drive so that it can be processed in working memory just when they are needed. Since today’s primary flash drives are much faster than hard disks, whose thrashing is perceived as a very painful loss of performance. This phenomenon occurs easily on older computers without enough RAM or when too many programs are running simultaneously. Since a hard drive is a relatively slow medium, paging to disk works never as good as really needed. However, hard drives are mighty cheap in comparison with working memory and a computer may well adapt the use of the hard drive for storing data for the user to label as little as possible in the process. Virtual memory is different and also protects applications from each other. Only the operating system knows about all the different programs that are running, the individual program held under the illusion that it is working completely alone on the computer. Memory protection is not something the user noticing, all he sees is a well-functioning program. Use free sample research paper on virtual memory to write a successful research proposal on the topic. At writing service you can order a custom research paper on Virtual Memory topics. Your research paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph.D. and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research paper assistance at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all research paper details: Enjoy our professional research paper writing service!
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