Sunday, January 26, 2020
Media As Force Multiplier
Media As Force Multiplier Today media needs to be used in a more pro-active manner to shape the operational scheme of a commander. This can be done by more integration and engagement of the media, public relations officer and the men in uniform into two way communication looking after each others needs at the same time. One very important aspect is the education of the staff and subordinate commanders at operational level to realise the need and advantage of engaging media towards military operations. The fourth estate in this informational age gives commanders with vast opportunities to leverage towards own operations which should be exploited to the maximum. The media can be used as potent force multiplier in achieving the objective by boosting the morale of our own forces and people, as an agent of deception for the military, gathering valuable intelligence and enhancing better build up of situational awareness, sustained psychological operation and finally communicating the objective and end state to the international community. Maximizing the use of fourth estate Maximising and moulding the perception of the masses and adversary by the use of fourth estate and how the commander leverage the media to effectively achieve operational objective to his own advantage is what the commander should explore which obviously is the need of the hour. Before employing the media, a brief review of the nature of the media would be required to better understand its potential. Media covering any military operation ranges from novice in the field to the seasoned veteran. Thus employment of media by the commander should be in a judicious manner like not allowing the media to wander in the battlefield at free will due to the wide spectrum of their work experience. At operational level coverage of media can be divided into three main principles namely mobility, capability and responsibility. Mobility is considered as the center of gravity of the media which is reporting from the scene while safety is the medias critical vulnerability. This is evident from journalist getting stuck during operations not able to move due to lack of mobility. The units which are more mobile or the ones with freedom of mobility cover the operation in a much more realistic manner. Regarding the safety many a journalists have landed themselves in dangerous situa tions and few lost their lives while covering news from the crisis zone. With regards to capability, media is often ahead of military on information age battlefield being armed with sophisticated satellite communication technology. This mobility and capability have complicated the operational commanders challenge to be more proactive in winning or at least not loosing to the media coverage. Understanding the medias concerns, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses will help operational commanders in utilizing media towards the operational design and conduct of operations. Use of media by the commanders is enumerated below:- (i) Media as a platform. Media offers a platform for the operational commanders to transmit his operational objectives and goals. In many a cases during the operation when a commander is interviewed he communicates to general masses by giving his objective without divulging any intricacies which could jeopardise the operation. This way the people are aware as to what is happening and further their support towards the operation. This also keeps rest of the forces informed and they understand the goal. (ii) PSYOPS potential. The use of medias PSYOPS potential by the operational commander towards own advantage. Propaganda might get victory before the first shot is fired by merely demoralizing the adversary and breaking the will to fight. Using commercial broadcast would provide a heightened level of credibility with the enemy because its third party stature provides some assurance of truth, over military broadcast. Using commercial television for PSYOPS would have to be covertly subtle, done on a sublime level, and would require special authorization. The military might and capability can be projected to the adversary and people to play with their minds. Destructive images of the adversary, pumping in of more forces to the theatre and special training of our troops to take on the enemy will affect the way the operation will be conducted by the enemy. In short, to maximize the potential of PSYOPS the operational commander must consider the media as a primary means of influencing an o pponents actions. (iii) Media as a deception tool. The operational commander must consider using the media as part of the overall deception plan. Media can be utilized to inject information regarding a plan or designs however act on some other plan thus keep the adversary guessing on the course of action and delay his moves. (iv) Media for intelligence gathering. An area rich with possibilities for operational commander is harnessing the potential of media in gathering intelligence. Valuable intelligence like background information on people, terrain and facilities in a particular region can be provided by the reporters. Military may assign agencies/reporters to a particular geographic region to gain intimate knowledge of the social fabric and the culture. Military leaders need to exploit this intelligence asset when planning or entering a new theatre. Tapping into the media is an excellent open-source for gathering information about the adversary though it might be time consuming and challenging. Radical expansion and modernization of open-source exploitation is an important reform for the intelligence community these days. Commanders should develop innovative ways to penetrate and analyse the most difficult targets, the objective should be to strengthen analytic expertise, methods and practice. Exploit ing open-source information must be the priority and is one way operational commanders and intelligence staff can aide in this challenge. Day in and day out, there are new revelations about Muslim terrorist sleeper cells in India. Most of the suspects arrested and/or tried have links to Pakistan. Islamist extremism in India needs to be explored by recognised experts. Military forces are subjected to this extremism in day to day operations which needs to be addressed. Military has to look into the modus operandi, funding, support (state and non-state), recruiting pattern in terms of location, general populace, mode, means, etc to understand the enemy to maximize its operations. The internet, where a virtual caliphate has been created in cyberspace, is used to proselytize, recruit, radicalize, fund raise and plot act of terrorism. Military should be proactive in tapping the internet in conjunction with the state and friendly nation intelligence network to draw out inferences and intelligence to further their operations. Knowledge building and knowledge sharing should be the priority in this information age. Operational secrecy and media. Some secrecy is essential to both national security and democracy but excessive secrecy undermines accountability and decision-making, and sometimes national security itself. Disclosure decision in a democracy thus must balance the importance of public knowledge and deliberation against the risk of exposing and undermining desirable actions or damaging national security. But neither the military nor the press can be trusted to strike the balance, for both have asymmetric incentives. The military risks public criticism when it announces an audacious plan but risks little when it is secretive. Likewise, journalists have much to gain from publishing classified secret and little to loose. They almost fully internalize the benefits of publication, but may discount or inaccurately assess national security harms. A free press is essential to inform the public, but critic urge that reporters are less accountable than the military they seek to check. The press w ields vast power to undercut desirable classified information and to communicate the nations capabilities and vulnerabilities to the enemy. The military needs to look into unauthorized possession and disclosure of documents or information relating to the national defence by the press which could harm future operations. Operational security is paramount in any campaign be it a full scale war or handling internal crisis situation. Commanders at all times establish rapport with reporters so they develop trust in him and accept his explanation of events. General Schwartzkorf established four rules to engage the press, they are, dont let them intimidate you, there is no law that says you have to answer all their questions, dont answer any question that in your judgement would help the enemy and finally dont ever lie to the people of the nation you are fighting for. These rules apply and holds good to any commander. Press brief of any commander is transmitted via satellite to world wide audience which includes the adversary as well. Clear message can be sent across to the public and the adversary government and its military leaders. Information overload by the media. The rapid advancement in technology and the medias ability to report real time as they occur, military can no longer realistically hope to maintain operational security by denying information to the media. In the present context, to reduce the enemys military effectiveness is information overload. This entails providing the enemy more information than his ability to assimilate in any given point of time. A new military media construct, synergistic relationship with cooperation at all levels will ensure information overload and will force the enemy to focus on many diverse scenarios, making it impossible to discern valid intelligence data. These days media not only gathers information on preparation for the theatre of operation but have gone a step ahead by broadcasting possible strategies and tactics debated by military strategists. International community, general public and fighting forces will monitor these telecasts and contemplate scenarios an d reviews presented on global cable network and may be compelled to commit their scarce military resources to counter possible attacks. Thus the adversarys forces may be diluted and their overall military effectiveness reduced. The media has invariably become an indisputable ally in this process. Media for neutralizing propaganda. Media can be used to expose the untrue stories and the evil design of the adversary and thus making the propaganda machines of the parties involved ineffective. Media can aggressively hunt for the truth and fed with intelligence by various agencies to publish/broadcast the same thereby neutralizing the force multiplication effect of the propaganda by the adversary. Social dimensions Public and military morale. Public support, national morale and soldiers will are powerful force multiplier for a commander to have victory. Opinion creates a state of mind, which is what precisely what constitutes the will and in other words is known as morale. Many difficulties are overcome with a high state of morale. If the people in general are not supportive of the cause of the war or operations other than war and adopt a couldnt care less attitude towards it, the same attitude gets passed on to the soldiers which is detrimental to the cause. Commanders should use media to project a true and correct image to the public and once this is done, no matter what the odds are, a willing public support and response multiplies the chances of victory. The soldiers morale needs be boosted by the media as well and should peak just before the impending attacks sustaining it through the operations. Media serves as a forward as well as a backward link for the soldier with the people back home . Any wrong news or rumours traveling either way will affect the morale of the people as well as the troops which should be monitored by the commanders and negated by responsible journalism. Reaching the public. Today the commander should know the fact that the thrust which comes from the people of the nation when any operation takes place is due to the instant relay of situation to the masses by the media. The military thus have an advantage in reaching to the people as fast as possible to generate and harness the support. Military being known for a respected institution and profession in the country, the image maintenance if not enhancing should be the prime concern of the commanders. During any conventional war or operation other than war, the credibility of military action is seldom questioned due to the trust, confidence and respect which the military enjoys. Commanders need to be proactive in engaging the press rather than being reactive and thus loosing the opportunity to use the media rather than being used by the media. Accurate and correct reporting. Inaccurate reporting and depiction of the operations will have a negative and devastating effect on the conduct of operation there on in terms of likely changed perception of our own people and international opinion. This in turn will effect the decision making cycle from tactical to strategic level. Apart from the people of the nation and high level decision makers, one very important factor which comes into picture is that of our own troops, who are exposed to the same news, be it at the air bases, ships, harbours, communication chains, rear areas, etc will have an impact on the psychi. This again is going to have a telling effect on the way the troops are going to fight subsequently. Commanders should to be concerned of the said fact in this information age to keep the morale of the troops high. In fact the operations where our forces have given a valiant fight should be projected to each and every possible people by the fastest means. Our soldiers are the best and to maintain the image of this potent force especially in this fast pace materialistic world, Commanders must take every opportunity to showcase our outstanding airmen, soldiers and sailors. Image building when our armed forces are engaged in aid to civil power. Disgruntled armed forces personnel, rejected equipment suppliers or contractors, families and others seek justice through media and court. More worrying are court cases, some of which have been widely reported and sensationalised. These incidents are in an increasing trend and common to all the three services. Such adverse publicity has a bearing on the discipline and morale and cannot be simply ignored. Military commanders need to engage with the media and rationalise the news and not let the media to sensationalise the issue. The problem arises because of human rights violation, real, exaggerated or sometimes fabricated. These must be investigated and the findings made known to the public. Human rights commissions, NGO organisations and media can help redress the balance. These instrumentalities, therefore, need to be cultivated, not shunned. The commanders need to pay more attention to these issues and negate any adverse publicity which might bring down the morale of the troops and operation as such.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Pablo Picasso and Stelarc
Introduction- Pablo Picasso and Stellar are two artists who both use shock tactics to create artworks that resonate with the audience. Although ones a modernist and the other a postmodernist, they both share similarities in their subject matter, and that is shock value. Body 1- Pablo Picasso was a Spanish artist who was born in 1881. Picasso was a painter, printmaker, ceramicist, sculptor and stage designer who spent majority of his life living in France. Picasso showed outstanding talent from a young age, who painted in a realistic manner throughout his entire childhood, and into adolescence.Picasso as seen to be one of the most creative artists of the 20th century, who played a major impact influencing young artists. Picasso is also well known for co- founding the period of the cubist movement, along with the invention of sculpture which was constructed, the co-invention of collage and the numerous amount of styles of which he developed by exploring further than other artists. The cubist movement was a type of essential approach to the representation of form and space.The style was first formed from Analytic Cubism to the later Synthetic Cubism, in which forms seemed to be covered over one another. Picasso was seen as a modernist artist as he was the co-founder of cubism, as well as most of his art being abstract and full of shape. Modernism is known for being individual as well as providing artistic theories while expressing and testing out new ideas. The modernist style was firstly found in retail, entertainment, fashion and shops and wasn't properly recognized in art until the late sass's. Artworks- the Weeping Woman series features the most famous artworks in which Pablo Picasso painted. One of these artworks ‘Queering' is featured throughout the series. Queering is mural sized, oil on canvas which Picasso painted in 1937. Queering displays the chaos and tragedy of which individuals and innocent civilians, even animals and building experienced when the bombing of Queering occurred. The painting is seen as more of a peace symbol rather than an artwork, which helped bring the Spanish Civil War to the world's attention.Another artwork relating to Queering was Picasso famous artwork Weeping Woman'. Weeping Woman is viewed as a continuation of the tragedy obvious in Queering. Weeping Woman was also oil on canvas and was also painted in 1937, to Join his series. The woman which can be seen in Weeping Woman can also be found in his previous work Queering. She is en clutching onto what appears to be her dead child who was killed from the Spanish Civil War. There are a large variety of etchings, drawings and paintings that feature this emotional female character.Both Weeping Woman and Queering are seen as visual representations on the emotion and feelings that the people felt towards the bombing and war, although some people believe, these paintings were also evaluating the relationship Picasso had with the model Dora, which is the emo tional woman featured in these two artworks, representing the fiery relationship they had, although these artworks created a positive dynamic between the artwork, artist, model and even audience.Both artworks of Queering and Weeping woman are seen as the artist's personal way in shocking the audience by painting the torment of a man haunted by the horrific images of the massacres taking place around him, in the Civil War. Picasso work easily shocked the audience when they were first painted his works as it vilified government and war. Stellar is a postmodern artist who can relate to using the same theme which is shock value, similar to Stellar. Stellar is a Cypriot-Australian artist who was born in 1946.He moved from Cyprus to Australia when he was at a young age. Stellar studied Arts and Craft at T. S. T. C. , Art and Technology at CHATEAU and M. R. I. T. , Melbourne University. He not only studied, but taught Art and Sociology at Yashmak International School and Sculpture and Draw ing at Ballard University College. Stealer's work if often based on suspensions, simulations and interventions of the body, going further beyond what any other artist would usually go. He uses technology to confront the audience and challenge the concept of art.He unites artwork and audience by extending his own body and its capabilities, using it as a sculpture or boundary with technology. He is also well known by his bizarre and different style of artwork through the use of performance, art events and interactive artworks. Stellar has engaged with the theme of the body throughout majority of his artworks. He has the reputation to be involved with his artworks, therefore making them personal to himself and becoming engaged with also the audience.Stellar is a postmodern artist as he emerges art movement which contradict modernism in his artworks. Some of these art movements include intermediary, installation, conceptual art and multimedia, generally involving video which is describe d at postmodern. 2 artworks- Stellar is well known by many people as the artist who uses suspension to portray a performance, using his body as a medium. In the seventies, when Stellar first started experimenting with suspensions, he made his performances mostly private and all acts were performed with surgical equipment.Stealer's suspension performances attracted the audience as it provided them with excitement which occasionally generated shock value. Stealers artwork Suspension, involved his naked flesh, pierced with hooks, which were inserted with wires and pulleys which raised him up off the ground, pulling and stretching at his skin. When the hook enters Stealer's skin, it causes his body to become a physical extension. This then shocks the audience, although it stimulates a calm reaction from Stellar, slower pulse and blood flow is then diminished.Another famous artwork which Stellar has created to gain a reaction from the audience is his artwork Extended Arm. The Extend is c onstructed materials such as stainless steel, aluminum and acrylic. The artwork is a lifelike robotic hand, with five fingers, with some novel capabilities. It is able to do such movements such as wrist rotation as well as thumb rotation, individual finger flexing tit each finger being able to gripper in it.Similar to Picasso, Stellar designs his artworks in hoping to shock the audience which will attract the audience to gain interest in his artworks, and to get his name well known by the general public. As Picasso famous artworks have been around for years longer than Stellar, both artists portrayed their own type of shock. The way shock is seen now, in comparison to when Picasso first originally started creating artworks, has changed drastically, as shock back then wouldn't create the same impact in present.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Being Safe Online
Computer Ethics Reflection Many people may think going online is safe, but it can be very hazardous at times. You need to know how to protect yourself online, and avoid cyber bullying. While you are writing a paper for school, you need to know what academic honesty is. Cyber bulling is the use of the internet and/or related technology to hurt other people, in a recurring, and aggressive method. Cyber bulling is very common these days. People do it to get a little laugh, but never think twice about what emotional impact it can have on the other person.Many people say, â€Å"Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. †, and it may seem like good advice but it isn’t. When people cyber bully someone, they think it is funny, and since words are just words nobody will get hurt, but they are very wrong. Cyber bulling is not harmless. People have committed suicide over it. Some people who cyber bully think that it is impossible to take it too far, becaus e they are just messing around.But the truth is cyber bullies take it to far when just the thought of cyber bulling runs through their heads. If you get cyber bullied, the first thing you should do is ignore it; maybe they are having a bad day. If it still continues you need to block them, for all you know they will not stop. The next step, if it still carries on, is to tell an adult. There might be times when you think you parents don’t know anything, but they are her to protect you. If you do not want to tell your parents, tell a teacher or you guidance counselor.Any adult can help you. Sometimes, it may still go on. In this case, you need to save it and print it up so you have proof. If you participate in cyber bullying, there will be consequences. Sometimes the person who you cyber bullied might commit suicide. If you get caught, you will be in massive trouble with the police. Keeping yourself safe online is very vital. Just by giving someone your first name, that person can track you down. Going online itself can always be dangerous.Do not give out your personal information. Personal information consists of your name, phone number, e-mail address, your parents name, your home address, and et cetera. When someone sends you a request, and you have never met them face to face, DO NOT accept them. This does not mean that you go and meet them somewhere! Always be respectful, and use appropriate language. Do not swear or call people out of their names. Passwords are also something you should not share with ANYONE besides your parents.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
World Hunger And GMOs - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 585 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/05/26 Category Science Essay Level High school Topics: GMO Essay World Hunger Essay Did you like this example? Science and technology advances astound us each day. In the arena of world hunger, big business is creating a spectacular photo of promise while hiding their ulterior motive, profits. John Robbins, author of Can GMOs HElp End World Hunger posted August 1, 2011 in The Blog on Huffington Post. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "World Hunger And GMOs" essay for you Create order Robbins poses the idea that big business is using world hunger, genetically modified foods and forms of media to convince us that we must use the products or people around the world will starve. Robbins provides a link to his history and current positions building his credibility with facts and statistics. He notes the use of emotional appeal blind and starving children, he appeals to the logical side of farming and readers emotion to support his argument. Robbins post begins by describing a genetically engineered rice, and describes the reason for its development, followed by support from a former president and the description of the advertising campaign. He then provides the results of studies since the initial launch of the genetically modified rice, along with notes listing problems. For example growing this rice in water restricted areas is impossible, and the rice was created for these areas. The blog goes further building and an ethical(ethos) case against Monsanto with its use of Technology Protection System through terminator technology by discontinuing the age old process of saving seeds. He used sourced Monsantos own documents as and campaign advertisements. Logically, we know that our food is produced by an unknown entity, but we understand the basic principles of seeds and their reproduction. How, can the cycle continue, without self producing seeds is question the author is conveying. This is the authors unwritten logos. Robbins uses emotion or pathos throughout his Blog, he incites anger at the large corporations using one of our basic needs, food as a tool for profit. The golden rice with its genetic engineering, produces beta carotene, that the body needs to make Vitamin A. Death and blindness are possible side effects of those weakened by Vitamin A. He quotes Michael Pollan of The New York Times Magazine, the aim of this audacious new advertising campaign is to impale people like me †well-off first-worlders dubious about genetically engineered food †on the horns of a moral dilemma If we dont get over our queasiness about eating genetically modified food, kids in the third world will go blind. Pushing the reader to see the extent of feeling invoked by the advertisement. Later, he discusses the use of suicide seeds and quotes those disagreeing with use of the seeds. The person goes so far as comparing this new system to genetic serfdom due to the fact the 80% of crops in developing countries are grown using farm-saved seed. Though Robbins, presents a viable argument about the use of GMOs and world hunger, it is easy to see that he has a narrowed view and although he does lead the reader very nicely though his thoughts and beliefs, the reader sees that there is a need for more research on a very pressing matter. CAN GMOS HELP END WORLD HUNGER? In-text: (HuffPost, 2018) Your Bibliography: HuffPost. (2018). Can GMOs Help End World Hunger?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2018]. APPDMZ\jrwieb1. Our Commitments. Monsanto ~ Scholarship, Monsanto, This Rice Could Save a Million Kids a Year Time,9171,997586,00.html The Seeds Of Destruction MARIE LEAN
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