Friday, May 31, 2019
George bush Essay -- essays research papers
I. INTRODUCTION Bush, George Herbert Walker (1924- ), 41st president of the United States (1989-1993), president at the end of the Cold War between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Bush also organized an unprecedented global alliance against Iraq during the Persian Gulf War of 1991, notwithstanding he was less successful in dealing with U.S. domestic problems and was defeated after one term by Bill Clinton in the 1992 option.II. EARLY LIFE Bush was born in Milton, Massachusetts, but grew up in Greenwich, computed tomography. His parents came from wealthy Midwestern families. His father, Prescott Bush, a partner in a leading Wall Street law firm, was a Republican U.S. senator from Connecticut between 1952 and 1963. Senator Bush was a moderate Republican and a supporter of President Dwight David Eisenhower. Senator Bush strongly tallyd the partys far right wing, represented in the 1950s by U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, who led a cam paign against Communist subversion in the United States. Bushs mother, Dorothy Walker, the daughter of a Missouri industrialist, encouraged her children to play sports and pick out humility and manners.Bush graduated from Phillips Academy at Andover, Massachusetts, in 1942, and joined the United States Navy to fight in World War II. He became a pilot, flying bombing missions against Japan. On one mission his plane was shot down over the Pacific Ocean. Two crewmen died, but Bush survived unharmed and was bring through by a passing submarine within a few hours. Bush returned to the United States in late 1944. Two weeks later, in early 1945, he married Barbara Pierce, a Greenwich woman whose father was a magazine publisher. The couple had six children sons George, John, Neil, and Marvin, and daughters Robin and Dorothy. Robin died of leukemia at the age of three.Bush entered Yale University in 1945. He majored in economics, became captain of the varsity baseball team, and graduated a s a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 1948. He moved his young family to west Texas where, helped by his fathers business connections, he went into the oil business, working as an equipment clerk. In 1953 Bush cofounded the Zapata Petroleum Corporation, which drilled for oil in the Permian basin in Texas and elsewhere in the West. The next year, he became president of the Zapata Offshore Company, which specialized in offshore... ...te. The Massachusetts governor proved to be a poor campaigner with a flea-bitten grasp for what moved voters. By contrast, Bush skillfully reached out to economic and social conservatives, as well as suburban independents and environmentalists. He criticized Dukakis for his refusal to support the look of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States in schools, accused him of supporting temporary releases called furloughs for violent criminals in overcrowded prisons, and pointed to what Bush argued was Dukakiss poor record in change up polluted Boston harbor.While promising not to impose new taxes, to cut the capital gains tax, and to continue the Reagan defense program, Bush also vowed to oppose gun control and to try to overturn the 1973 ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States that affirmed a womans right to an abortion. Bush won the preference easily, attracting 53 percent of the vote and carrying 40 states and 426 electoral votes. He won the entire South, most of the West and made deep inroads in the industrial Midwest. The election left one obstacle for Bush the Democrats retained solid majorities in both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Hybrid Cars Essay -- Gasoline Electric Hybrid Automobiles
Want to pervert a hybrid car? Consider the facts.You may be correct in thinking that you should buy a hybrid car or SUV, but are you thinking you need it for the right reasons? Kevin Ransoms article Reasons to buy a hybrid or not updated on CNNs website in January 28, discusses many aspects consumers should consider when thinking ab away buying a hybrid vehicle. He makes good points, but he needs some better ones to convince me.Ransom is making an argument with plenty of statistics for buying a hybrid and nerve-wracking at the same time to give you somewhat of a counterargument against buying a hybrid. He never takes a clear bias, but leaves many questions out in the open. One example of this is his lack of comparing a Prius with anything. Also he claims that hybrids are definitely one of the waves of the future. Does he mean they are a link to the future with ten times better innovations coming in the near future? This link needs to become price effective if he thinks this is m oving forward.He tells us that one school of thought is that it could take years for a consumer to break even on the amount saved in fuel costs. This is definitely true considering if the price rest between base models of a Toyota Civic and a Civic Hybrid being $18,710 and $22,600 respectively. That is a difference of $3,890 with the only major standard equipment difference being a navigation screen most users opt out from getting in the first abode Also, the base model Ford Escape and base Escape Hybrid are priced at $20,140 and $27,445 respectively. That is a whopping difference of $7,305. We will come bear to the issue of cost, but now we will move on to the environment and how it is affected.Ransoms first major point of interest is the fact t... ... cost of replacement will fall onto the customer. The costs of replacement the battery packs range from $2,000 to $5,000 depending on the model. This piece of information would be very important to include in Ransoms article if he is trying to compare and contrast benefits of having a hybrid. Because the article appeared in a journalistic setting, the author is trying to put forward to a general audience by using language that is to formal or informal. The genre is an opinionated article with statistics that he uses trying to sway readers and persuade their thoughts In Conclusion, if Ransom is trying to persuade the general public that is a good idea to buy a hybrid at this time, he is personnel casualty to need to use more conclusive evidence that proves it is worth the setbacks.Works CitedRansom, Kevin. http//
Worldwide Education :: essays research papers
Around the world, education is funded in different ways, yielding different outcomes. In Europe, the state typically still pays for the institutional be of instruction students pay little or no tuition, but are responsible for living costs and near universities are public. In many Asian countries (such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines), most students attend private universities and colleges and pay the full cost of their education. Tuition is also aerated in the small and relatively elite public higher education sector. In the United States, a mix of public and private institutions exists 80 pct of students attend public colleges and universities, where they pay tuition amounting to something like a quarter or more of the actual cost of instruction, with public funds and other resources application the rest. The remaining 20 percent study in private institutions, where students pay the bulk of the cost of education.Many people scowl at the idea of reforming to a Europ ean model of school funding, believing that the taxes would be exponentially higher. However, this is not necessarily true. In most EU countries, the standard rate of tax is 20%. The higher rate is 42% for those whom earn over a certain variable blunt yearly income. Employees pay tax, similar to the U.S. system under the deport As You Earn (PAYE) system. This means that tax is deducted by the employer weekly or monthly depending on how frequently you are paid. If you make more than the variable gross yearly income, tax is paid at the standard rate (20%) up to the cut-off point. Any income over the cut-off point is taxed at the higher rate of tax (42%). dissimilar the U.S. system or taxation, this system seems more fair, especially because you are not paying tax on any wages that are paid towards healthcare or Old Age Pension (similar to social security).One nation that set the standard for the tax outline currently used in most countries is Ireland. In Ireland, the healthcare ta x is about 2% taken out of your paycheck, unless you make under 400 (January 2005) per week or self-employed people with income of 20,800 or less per year. Also, most employers and employees (over 16 years of age) in Ireland pay social restitution contributions into Irelands national Social Insurance Fund. In general, the payment of social insurance is required. The social insurance contributions in Ireland are referred to as PRSI (Pay Related Social Insurance).
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
A Comparison of Fate in The Stranger (The Outsider) and Myth of Sisyphus :: comparison compare contrast essays
Fate in The Stranger (The Outsider) and story of Sisyphus In his works, The Stranger (The Outsider) and Myth of Sisyphus, Camus addresses the consciousness of Meursault and Sisyphus through their fate. Sisyphus knows his fate. He to Because he has the opportunity and does rationalize his fate, he has consciousness. As the rock rolls back down, he is able to look back upon his living and analyze it. Nothing could be more existentialist. Sartres Garcin wants to meet his fate face to face. So, Sisyphus, embodies this desire of Garcin, and is thus a hero to him. Similarly, Charles Dickens scrooge has the odd opportunity to become an observer to his fate in the past, indue and future. While Camus Meursault does not care about his past, he expresses the same feelings as scrooge and Garcin in their desire to confront their fate. Indeed, this is why they are every man and Sisyphus is our hero - he has and will always confront his fate. He has the conscious power to mull and control his fate. Therefore, if we know that everyone faces death as their fate, consciousness equals the ability to deal with ones fate. If we know our fate, do our lives hold meaning? Meursault remarks, Nothing, nothing mattered, and I know why. He knows he will be executed by a society in which he cannot exist, but he resigns and thereby assures himself that the middle is meaningless. Before his arrest, he knew he would die. Perhaps this knowledge justifies his living moment to moment. His statement compares to Becketts Vladimir when he laments, Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it is awful Both Meursault and Vladimir understand their unclimbable fate, but Meursault desires to confront it. This reveals Meursault to have the heroic qualities of Sisyphus. So, what Vladimir recognizes, Meursault confronts, and Sisyphus transcends. Sisyphus conquers his fate in spite of his immortality. Camus addresses the consciousness of Meursault and Sisyphus through their fate. By the ability to recognize his past, Sisyphus shows how Meursault lacks unhappiness. Meursault has nothing with which to compare the sport he feels instantly, so he is at the least continually content and possibly perpetually happy. Conversely, Sisyphus understands his past yet chooses not to compare his past to the present or his known future. When the priest asks Meursault if he would prefer a different life to his own, he remarks he wants a life where I could remember this one.
The Plague as a Metaphor in Shelleys The Last Man :: Shelley The Last Man
The Plague as a Metaphor in Shelleys The uttermost(a) Man The Last Man was Mary Shelleys most ambitious and observational work. Necessitating that a plague, which decimates mankind, is justified in its pursuit, Mary Shelley creates a world where utopian rarefieds can cause the destruction of mankind, if they are not checked by moral and ethical standards. Published in 1826, the raw was widely pilloried by a public who found its gloomy tone and high Romanticism to be out of touch with a more progressive society. Mary Shelleys concept of humanity decimated by a deadly plague affronted progressive politicians as godless and as a result, the novel was banned in Austria and became more of an in topic at dinner parties than a book to be seriously read. Since its publication, Mary Shelley scholars have ignored The Last Man and concentrated on Frankenstein because of the novels reflection of the influential Romantic circle of Lord Byron and Percy Shelley. It wasnt until the feminist m ovement of the 1970s that the novel underwent a rebirth and became critically judged as a work far superior to Frankenstein. Written three years after the death of Percy Shelley, The Last Man is a reflection of the political define of William Godwin and the Romantic ideals of Lord Byron and Percy Shelley. Despite her initial desire to dedicate the work to the ideology of these men, The Last Man serves as Mary Shelleys repudiation of the utopian ideal perpetuated by Godwin, Shelley and Lord Byron. The plague serves as a metaphor for the failure of the utopian ideal to support the traditional needs of the family. As a biographical and political novel, The Last Man is Mary Shelleys quest to understand her husband, father and Lord Byrons political ideals and their subsequent failure to support her and her children. Mary Shelley led a most extraordinary life. As the daughter of the radical writers, Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin, it appeared to be Marys destiny to earn a livi ng through her musical composition. As she states in her 1831 usher in to Frankenstein, It is not singular that, as the daughter of two persons of distinguished literary celebrity, I should have very early in life thought of writing (Hindle 5). After the death of Percy Shelley in 1822, Mary spent the next three years trying to atone for what she believed were her sins against Shelley.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Aeneas and His Ghosts :: Aeneas Presentation
Aeneas and His GhostsThe Aeneid Written by Virgil Translation by FitzgeraldI.Pious Aeneas (his bottomground and key characteristics)Mother is Venus (the Greek Aphrodite) pageboy 54, Book II, Lines 775-777Stepping in advance me, radiant through the night,My loving mother came immortal, tall,And lovely as the lords of heaven know her.Favored by Jupiter paginate 164, Book VI, Lines 190-193 A fewWhom a benign Jupiter has loved or whom Fiery heroism has borne to heaven,Sons of gods, could do itFated oThe gods respect his fate. Page 11, Book I, Lines 319-322Surely from these the Romans are to come In the head for the hills of the years, renewing Teucers line, To rule the sea and all the lands about it,According to your promiseHe will found the land where Rome will later stand. Page 12-14, Book I, Lines 352-354, 373-375No, he, your son now let me speak of him,In view of your consuming care, at length,Unfolding secret fated things to come- And call by his throw name his people Romans .For these I set no limits, world or time,But make the gift of empire without end.He is fated to go to the Underworld. Page 164, Book VI, Lines 214-217Pull away the bough. It will come willingly,Easily, if you are called by fate.If not, with all your strength you cannot conquer it, Cannot lop it off with a swords edge.Receptive and Open.oAeneas constantly looks for signs from the gods as to what his actions should be and listens/ follows through when he is nudged in the right direction. Page 110, Book IV, Lines 545-551 Duty-bound,Aeneas, though he struggled with desireTo calm and soothe her in all her pain,To speak to her and turn her mind from grief,And though he sighed his heart out, shaken stillWith love of her, yet took the course heaven gave himAnd went back to the fleetoIn all his interactions with his crew, wife, father, Dido, other leaders, the gods, etc., Aeneas listens instead of tooting his own horn (Odysseus), knowing there is a lot to be gained from others.Aeneas is du tiful.oBrings the household gods. Page 65, Book III, Lines 16-18I took to the open sea,Borne outward into exile with my people,My son, my hearth gods, and the greater godsoCarries Anchises from Troy on his back and holds his opinion in high regard. Page 55, Book II, Lines 829-830I looked for him at once,My first wish being to help him to the mountainsPage 58, Book II, Lines 921-924
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Custom Coffee & Chocolate Essay
According to the oerview of tailor-made Coffee & Chocolates business, Bonnie Brewer and Stacy Kim run a small caf where they go unique coffee, chocolates and maintain a shop. The caf is located near a university, where students, faculty, staff, and local residents are the main customers. They have run the business successfully, working together without whatever employees and selling their products only in the caf. They have started to think about further development. The main question at this point is what strategies they should launch to achieve that aim. The first measuring rod to answer on that question is analyzing the confederations internal surroundings and identifying it strengths and weaknesses. The greatest strength is undoubtedly knowledge acquired by the owners during business and marketing courses and at that place experience gained at work.The owners also chose an interesting location with many students who they know and understand very well, which combined with the offer is strength of their business. Customers can sit in comfortable chairs, on couches, and at coffee tables, and chat or read newspapers among classes. As we consider weaknesses, we can identify a fewer involved things. The largest of these is the limited access to services due to the small space in the caf. Moreover, lack of employees makes it impossible for the caf to open longer, because the owners also have to handle the finances. There is also no possibility for customers to order goods over the phone or online, and for the caf to deliver service to locations on campus, such as dorms and lounges where students are studying.Another weakness is kind of poor menu, which should be extended by new products. Additionally, too little attention is paid to social inclusion by organizing events such as verse readings or discussion groups, and conducting a blog which could integrate students around the caf. Lack of a wireless connection that customers could use is a significan t drawback. The outlive weakness, which is rattling important, is a lack of financial reserve. The owners exhausted their savings and the initial small business loan, andtheir six-month lease is up. The second step is analyzing the companys external environment and identifying it opportunities and threats.The greatest opportunity for the development of the company is the ability to reach a wider range of customers who are potentially interested in using the service of the caf. Custom Coffee & Chocolates business plan bases on purchasing only fair trade coffee and chocolates made by a few local suppliers. It is worth considering the possibility of obtaining a break away price from producer in exchange for promoting their brands. It is also possible to extent the number of potential suppliers, which is likely to enable the caf to purchase products at much better prices. An opportunity for the development of the company is the application of new technologies such as online shops, w ebsites or blogs, to allow better contacts with customers on the Internet.Unfortunately, threats also can appear in the companys external environment. It could be a decrease in the number of students at the University or changed location of classes. The biggest threat whitethorn be the emergence of competitors offering similar services at lower prices or better quality. The strategy adopted by the company, which consists of buying products from local suppliers and ordering only fair trade coffee, may cause a risk of introduction of cheaper substitutes on the market by competitors. The last but not the least threat is connected with the need to increase the cafs debt by taking additional loans for further development.After determining the strengths and weaknesses of the companys internal environment as well as the opportunities and threats of the companys external environment, it is necessary to propose some strategies that take into account the interdependencies between particular e lements of SWOT analysis, which will help to develop the company in the right way. One of the ideas is to acquire new customers by increasing the availability of products. place a sale of products through the online store and allowing customers to play orders by phone, organizing appropriate marketing campaigns on the website or in local media, gives opportunities to achieve that goal. Ordered goods would be delivered by courier.At the initial stage, the range of delivery might be limited to locations on campus, such as dorms and lounges where students are studying. This strategy would be reinforced on opportunities of using the Internet and growing the customers base without the necessity of looking for larger premises to runa caf. It is necessary to lease employees to allow the owners to focus on strategic management activities in the caf. It would give Bonnie Brewer and Stacy Kim opportunity to use their knowledge and experience and take over more of the finance and marketing a ctivities. Another interesting strategy that can protect the company against the loss of customers is building social cohesion by tour the caf into a cult meeting place for students, faculty and other staff of the University. Organizing poetry readings or discussion groups could be a great idea.Moreover, those activities would be support by a blog which would be moderated by the cafs owners. This way, drinking coffee or eating delicious chocolates would be only a indwelling addition and benefit during meetings. In that case, the main strength is the specific location with students, faculty and staff whose the owners of the cafe know and understand well. Having loyal customer groups may be particularly important when some competitors appear on the market. This way, the company could significantly reduce this kind of threat. A very effective strategy which could be used is building a recognizable brand of their own products.They should be presented as unique and not available from o ther competitors. In addition, it might be possible to prepare a wider range of products which could be better suited to the local customers needs. This strategy should be based on the promotion of local products and suppliers of products and laid-back quality fair trade coffee. It could be an opportunity to get additional money from sponsors of the cultural and community building mission carried out by the owners of the caf. The higher up strategy is based on the strength connected with high quality products which take a niche place on the market and cannot be easy replaced. It protects the company from the threat of competition and improves its competitive advantage.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Jungian Analytical Psychology and the Process on Individuation
The process on individualisation is central to Jungian analytical psychology, as Jung believed that individualism is the driving force behind humans desire for completeness within the human experience, and the search for wholeness (Russell, & Ryback, 1996, p. 2) in their life-long conquest to achieve a distinctive but coherent and balanced personality.Besides the genetics and the psychosocial environment, Jung believed that a 3rd force influences the dynamic formation of human individuality and that is the collective memory of previous civilizations, memory stored and available to humans, in the collective unconscious (Munteanu, 2012 Douglas, 2011). While ponderous to prove scientifically, quantum physics does not refute this concept (Science Channel, 2011 Munro, 2011).As a therapist, I believe that I should be the open-minded guide and facilitator of clients personalised explorations and life experiences, supporting clients pursuit of holistic self-realization guiding clients e xploration of his/her archetypes, the attitudinal type and the preferential decision devising mode, would facilitate clients understanding of own psychic energy flow, and would empower the client to address and develop his/her unconscious/conscious balance, advancing the individuation process (Munteanu, 2012 AtheneWins, 2011 Russell, & Ryback, 1996).The counselling methods I would use to sustain this process, while client centred, would also need to be very creative and interactive on my part, as the counsellor I would be making use of a variety of strategies within an environment of customised but constantly challenging and supportive at the analogous time.I would need to maintain myself on an perpetual self-development and self-reflection carousel, in order to ensure that I continuously upgrade my skills to the levels required to provide that balance of contend and support, to all of my clients within my practice, I would use a variety of methods, such as instructional interven tions, questioning, clarifying, hypothesising, silences if/as required (to allow the process of assimilation and internalisation), romance interpretation or sequential drawings, journaling, art and sand therapies (especially for clients who have difficulties verbalising feelings), mandalas, mask making, etc.I could see how my teaching experience will serve me well in Jungian counselling, since I already use many of these methods, to provide personalised learning, to my students. I have always thought of myself as work in progress, and wherefore I learn something new every day from my students hence, learning from and alongside my clients I see it as a continuation of my own holistic individuation (Dehing, 1992 Russell, & Ryback, 1996).
Friday, May 24, 2019
Quiz on Human Pathophysiology
This assignment is worth 40 points. Please make sure you have answered all questions prior to submitting. Once you confab the submit button, you will not be able to return. Question 1 of A 9-year-old patient Is admitted to a pediatric unit with Dutchmen muscular dystrophy. Which of the following traits was this civilise Inherited from? Sex-linked dominant Excellences Sex-limited Sex-linked recessive 2 of 40 A 70-year-old male with chronic renal failure presents with edema. Which of the following is the closely likely cause of this condition? Increased capillary nonionic pressureDecreased interstitial nonionic pressure Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure Increased interstitial hydrostatic pressure 3 of 40 Which of the following can cause swollen feet to develop? Increased ATOP Chloride impulsion out of the cell An+ movement into the cell Decreased nonionic pressure 4 Of 40 What Is the role of cytokines In cell reproduction? Provide return factor for tissue harvest-feast and development Block progress of cell reproduction through the cell cycle Restrain cell growth and development Provide nutrients for cell growth and development atomic number 11 and water accumulation in an injured cell are a direct result of which of the allowing?Decreased ATOP production Sororities Ribosome insularity Dehydration 6 of 40 A cell that does not contain a multiple of 23 chromosomes is called a diploid upload unplanned haploidic 7 of 40 cell. Which of the following molecules is likely to accumulate in dead or dying tissues? Calcium Protein Uric acid Melanin 8 of 40 A condition in which a single chromosome is missing in each cell is called a haploid condition. An autos. A monsoons. Down Syndrome. 9 of 40 A child is born with blue eyes (b). The childs receive has blue eyes, and the father has brown eyes. Which of the following represents the father?Bibb Ebb 10 of 40 RNA directs the deduction of protein through which process? Transcription Translation Translation 11 of 40 Which of the following problems results in change magnituded capillary hydrostatic pressure and the formation of edema? Renal failure Hemorrh agedness Liver failure All of the above 12 of 40 The Eukaryotic cell consists of which of the following three components? The plasm membrane, the cytoplasm, and intracellular organelles The plasma membrane, the extracurricular membrane, and lagans Cell Junctions, the extracurricular membranes, and proteins Water, proteins, and receptors 13 of 40The process by which cells program themselves to die is called corollarys. Optimism. Opinions. Necrosis. 31 of 40 Steven has Dutchmen muscular dystrophy. He inherited this condition from his mother only. Father only. Mother and father. Mother or father. The outward manifestation of a disease, which is often influenced by both genes and environment, is called the disease genotype. Allele. Phenotype. Dominance. 33 of 40 An increase in antipathetic hormone (DAD) secretion will result in which of the f ollowing changes? Increased serum sodium concentrations Decreased serum sodium concentrations Increased serum potassium concentrationsDecreased serum potassium concentrations 34 of 40 Which phase of catabolic produces the most ATOP? Digestion Glycoside Oxidation Citric acid cycle 35 of 40 Mutations can result in abnormal DNA. RNA. Proteins. DNA, RNA, and proteins. 36 of 40 Mutations that do not change the amino acid sequence and thus have no consequence are termed mutations. Frameset spontaneous silent misses 37 of 40 CT scan reveals that the patient is suffering from cerebral edema. This type of edema is referred to as localised edema. Generalized edema. Pitting edema. Lymphoma. 38 of 40 Which of the following is not an accepted theory of aging?Cellular aging results from wear and tear over the path of a lifetime. The degeneration of extracurricular materials such as collagen contributes to aging. The process of transcription during protein synthesis becomes more error-prone as a c ell ages. The genetic mechanisms of aging are programmed into a cells DNA. Question 39 of 40 Cellular atrophy involves an increase in cell size. A decrease in cell size. An increase in the number of cells. A decrease in the number of cells. 40 of 40 Which of the following electrolytes is found in the highest concentrations in the intracellular fluid (ICE)? Sodium Magnesium Potassium
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Laws of Delict and Defamation
It whitethorn be viewed as an wrong and blameworthy act which causes damage to another persons persona. Elements of a delicate in front a court will grant damages are Act of plow The plaintiff must prove that the defendant made a imitative representation Wrongfulness which he knew to be false Damage the plaintiff must have suffered, or be likely to suffer loss creator because of the false representation Fault the defendant must have intended to cause the plaintiff such loss There are different types of delicate, nevertheless for this assignment, we will be focusing on defamation.When all 5 elements are present, we are dealing with a delicate. In the case of defamation, the type of conduct interdict is the publication of defamatory material. The delicate of defamation is the unlawful publication, anima unmarried, of a defamatory statement concerning the plaintiff. A statement is defamatory if it has the effect Of injuring a plaintiffs reputation. The reputation of the complaina nt is injured if the statement tends to lower the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking members of society.The elements of the delicate can therefore be summarized as the unlawful or wrongful publication, anima unmarried, of a defamatory statement concerning the plaintiff. Once a plaintiff establishes that a defendant has published a effeminate statement concerning him or herself, it is presumed that the publication was both unlawful and aspirational. aspersion can be defined as the publication of words or behavior concerning a person that tends to injure the good name of that person, with the intention of injuring that person and without grounds of justification.Defamation is the part of law that aims to protect individuals rights to their reputation. The right to a reputation, or a good name, is enshrined in the constitution of South Africa. Defamation is attached when oneness person commits an intentional and roomful publication or communication of words or behavior to a third party which has the effect of injuring a persons reputation. Defamation is one of the oldest offences in law and usually results in the payment of compensation to the injured party if proven.PERSON X On the grounds of negligence, person X may institute proceedings for defamation against the museum. All elements are present in this case. Even though the wax figure of X was placed incidentally, the exhibition was displayed to the raft and irreversible perceptions of person X may already eave been formed by the people. Act of conduct Was it negligence or the failure to take action that caused the accident or damages, or was it a willful, positive action. Person X was a victim of assault but was displayed amongst murderers in the museum.Wrongfulness The conduct downstairs the microscope should be viewed as totally reprehensible by the community at large. Person X may have lost the respect of community members at large. Damage The conduct must have resulted in loss or harm to the claimant. Person X may have lost his right to his good name. Causality. The conduct under scrutiny must have caused damages, but if the consequences of the action were too remote to have been foreseen by a reasonable, objective person, then the defendant will mail liability.The wax figure was a clear representation of person X The South African law of delicate engages primarily with the circumstances in which one person can claim compensation from another for harm that has been suffered. The Law of Delicate has been regulated and there are basically five elements that have to be scrutinized and accepted by the courts before the claimant is successful.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Operational Difference †Major company stake is owned by franchises Essay
As I went through the historical span of Burger king History, the franchises of Burger King compete a major part in expansion of the parent company from the early 1960s till date. The relation of franchises and management has always been influential and authoritative in success and failures of Burger King History. Primarily, the company operated with major investment from franchises and minimal from the company, so the decisions and relationship with franchises was crucial.Flame broiler a unique device that improved with decades in Burger King historyThe company was set-up on the basis of the oven called Insta-broiler for cooking burgers. The purpose had been inspired from McDonalds speedy service. It was further mechanised into a gas grill without changing patties and self functional by means of a conveyor belt. Further, the device was also customised and technologically advanced to produce Chicken sandwich, Chicken Whopper, veg burger, etc.Drive thru serviceThe company though was working hard on franchises and unique device to meet operational needs it was mainly point to meet demand of production at Drive-thru restaurants. This was because the company had major part of its sales revenue i.e. 70 % from Drive-thru operations.Later this competence was adapted by McDonald and an other(prenominal) competitors as well. yet the effectiveness and efficiency of Burger Kings Drive-thru was easily highlighted.Competitive methods of Burger KingThe purpose of its warring strategy is to build a sustainable competitive advantage over the organizations rivals. It defines thefundamental decisions that guide the organizations food marketplaceing, financial management and operating strategies.As t here were legion(predicate) significant changes in the history of Burger King, eventually there were different competitive methods used in different span in history. Some of the significant competitive methods are listed as follows1 Initial decade in Burger kings history, Insta-broiler a device competitive in making burgers and technological advancements in the same gave it a competitive advantage.2 High amount of franchises worldwide executed major ownership stake and customised operations in the outlets. This was tightened and a stark naked company structure was formed, followed by a new competitive aptitude. Year 1963 -19673 Push sale approach led increase in competitive eat market and thus improve in position in market. Burger King moved to second position in US fast food market after McDonald. Year 1982-19854 Launched a Burger King Kids Club program that help the company to increase sales and successful entry into a new market segment. Year 1990-19955 Introduction of a TURNAROUND PLAN named Go Forward Plan, which was significant to attain objectives like increasing profit, create a customer image, teamwork, etc.Year 2000. One more advantage Burger King introduced was Revamped Chicken Whopper, helpful to compete with other competitors.Burger K ing McDonalds (BK is simply not as enlarged as McD)Some of the basic company facts and objectives of both the companies, help us understand how Burger King is not as big as McDonalds in global terms.FactsBurger KingMcDonaldFounder 1941 by Richard and Maurice McDonald 1953 by Keith J.Cramer Present chain 12,150 outlets in 50 states and US territories and 74 countries More than 31,000 outlets in 119 countries Revenue $2.5 bingle thousand millionNumber of employees 360,000 employees 1,500,000 employees (1.5 million) Customers 11.8 million customers daily worldwide 58 million customers across the globe Products offered Flame-broiled burgers including the Whopper, Burger King also offers whiner sandwiches, fish sandwiches, French fries, onion rings, salads, chicken fries and Croissanwiches for breakfast. McDonalds predominantly sells hamburgers, various types of chicken sandwiches and products, French fries, soft drinks, breakfast items, and desserts. In most markets, McDonalds offe rs salads and vegetarian items, wraps Calorie content A Burger King Double Whopper has around 920 calories A McDonalds Big Mac consists of 540 caloriesObjectivesBurger KingMcDonaldsMarket share 21.9 % in US fast food industry 44% in US fast food industry Value for money More bigger product for reasonable price Product size is smaller with inexpensive price Franchising More than 90 % of the outlets are franchised A little less than 30 % Suppliers The suppliers vary with various franchise in different locations worldwide. McDonald chooses outmatch suppliers and type and quality of meat varies with country culture. Advertising The BK adverts were quite confusing and sending wrong messages in potential market which affected heathenish values and also brand image at times. McDonalds often had appropriate ways of advertising and were supportive to increase sales and popularity of the brand.Issues relating to Burger KingThe case issue is very critical in understanding the issues relate d with Burger Kings history. Some of the prominent issues from past to present can be listed as follows right management The company found it difficult to manage more than 90% franchise in the business of Burger King products and services. Crucial reason was also the character of stake ownership , which was initially 38% and was improved to 42% by Donald Smith, former McDonald executive. Changes in leadership The history of Burger King marked approximately 20 changes in management. The changes in short term span affected oragnisation focus over goals and objectives, affected brand image adversely and lacked consistency in operation. ingrowing food The Company came prominently in highlight during the era from 2003 as potential customers had responded to be health conscious. The period marked spread of mad-cow disease and corpulency levels among children was a rising attention. Market recession The US economy faced economic recession from 2006 and needs brand to take effective measures to sustain and repress losing loyal customers to competitors.Recommendations for future development in UKThe Burger King opened its first branch/outlet in UK in 1977 on Coventry Street in London. Since then till date Burger King has 654 restaurants in UK ( out of which 73 are owned) whereas it has 139 drive-through restaurants. Considering the present fast food environment in UK, following recommendations return in lime-lightHEALTHY FOOD Burger King UK has currently many problems within the environment in company and surrounding, however one of the prime concern is level-headed food. The company needs to produce fast food with less saturated fats and salt content. The problem of obesity in UK is high as well and addressing to this concern is the need of demand to survive over the competitors.PRIME LOCATIONS and EVENTS Burger King needs to increase its influence and market share in UK, by serving at prime hot spots as well as at travel destinations. The presence of Bur ger King on high streets and at various depicted object rail stations and airport is reasonable, however it needs to be accessible at hot tourist spots and business oriented commercial areas. locomote Burger King needs to increase its speed of delivering products and services to customers, as it has been competing with McDonalds over more than 50 years and still lacks speed during peak periods. Speed in operations helps to generate revenue in coping zone.Schools of strategy Burger Kings evolution (analyse critically) strategy formation is judgmental designing, intuitive visioning, and emergent instruction it is about transformation as well as perpetuation it has to include analyzing before and programming after as well as negotiating during Henry MintzbergHowever there is a difference in perspective leading to strategy arguments. Mintzberg identified this and tried to debate and answer different perspectives through his 10 Schools of Strategy/Thinking. The burger King History prominently highlights two of them, explained as follows1 The Power School Strategy Systems as Processes of NegotiationAccording to the mogul civilize, strategy systems are describe to be mainly shaped by condition and politics, whether as a process inside the enterprise itself or as the behaviour of the enterprise as a whole within its external environment. Strategies that may result from such processes tend to be emergent in nature, and take the forms of positions and actions more than perspectives. On the one hand parts of the power school (micro power) see strategy making as the interplay, through persuasion, bargaining, and sometimes through direct confrontation, among finalise scope interests and shifting coalitions, with none dominant for any significant period. On theother hand other parts of power school (macro power) see the enterprise as promoting its own welfare by chastenling or cooperating with other enterprise (such as Franchises), through the use of strategic utilization as well as collective strategies in various kinds of networks and alliances.EXAMPLE Burger King at different period in history, tried to take control over franchises by executing greater control over their operations and direct confrontation with various industry giants/ suppliers. These various processes implemented to achieve power through strategy highlights THE POWER SCHOOL.2 The Configuration School Strategy Systems as Process of TransformationThe school follows a formation approach wherein the composition is transforming into one type of decision making structure into another. The school interrupts the period of stability by some process of transformation. It has configuration of strategy formation from other nine schools which are Design school Strategy formation as an architecture process Planning school Strategy formation as a formal process Positioning school Strategy formation as an analytical process Entrepreneurial school Strategy formation as a visio nary process Cognitive school Strategy formation as a mental process Learning (or Emergent) school Strategy formation as an emergent process Power school Strategy formation as a process of negotiation Cultural school Strategy formation as a collective process Environmental school Strategy formation as a reactive processThe school recognises a appropriate combine of any one or more of them taking into context a particular type.EXAMPLE Burger King history marks use of Positioning school in year 1980 -1983 to create a brand image and achieve second position in US fast food market.Click here to Continue Reading this ArticleRate This ArticleTags burger king, free essayCategory Business, Free EssaysSimilar ArticlesKicl students perceptions on the consumption of McDonalds, KFC and Burger Kings Analysis of Marks & Spencers International StrategyRole of Advertisement and Sales Promotion in ELP look atIf you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more just like it. 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Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Switch
After my second form in high school, I make a decision that would turn out to be life changing. This decision wasnt life changing in the way that getting married or leaving to college would be, but I re anyy learned a lot about myself that summer. What Im about to tell you is what happened when I switched from Marching Band to Football. I will exempt to you why this switch was such a big deal to me and what I learned about myself from it. Switching from Marching Band to Football after mySophomore year of high school changed the way I saw myself because I found I maintain a strong enough will to follow my centerfield despite controversy with others, I book a strong desire to be in control of my life, and I have an aggressive side that had non shown itself in advance. While making the decision to change from one activity to another, my own self- reliance and confidence really took over and helped me to deal with the controversy among my friends and teammates. My friends and ba r theater director wanted me to stay in the marching band because I was a section leader with three years of experience ho was up for the wad Major position.Naturally, this put me under a lot of social pressure. On top of that, my new teammates on the football team werent exactly thrilled to have a tuba player trying out for the team. They used to make fun of me quite a bit, until I proved myself out on the field, that is. some other significant hurdle was telling my parents that I wanted to switch. I knew that my parents said they would support me in any decision I make, that isnt life threatening, but I wasnt sure if they would condone me playing football, which is probably one of the most angerous sports in the world if you dont practice proper technique.The fact that I was able to deal with all this and still stick to my guns showed me I was strong enough to follow my heart and cut my own path. Especially after considering the craziest part out of this whole thing, before th is I never had been one to go against the grain. I had been a people pleaser my whole life and was afraid of making anyone mad at me. So, now that IVe explained the slip I found myself in, the reason I put myself in that position was because of a realization I had while sitting in the stands with the and at a football game during my sophomore year.I realized that I didnt enjoy sitting on the sidelines watching the action happen. I wanted to be out at that place in the middle of it. It made me think about how I eternally took the path of least resistance in every aspect of my life. I was everlastingly trying to make everyone around me happy when I wasnt completely happy myself. Watching that football game, I snarl like I was the stands watching it go by, powerless to influence to course of fate. This mindset is what helped me to strengthen my will to follow my heart and do what I wanted to do. That night, I sight my desire to have control of the direction my life was going in.O n top of wanting to steer my life in the direction I wanted, that night I also discovered that I have an aggressive side that makes want to prove what Im worth, fght to win, and be remembered. In every sport Id ever done up to that point in my life, from Baseball to Karate to Wrestling, every single one of my coaches Id ever had told me that I dont have a mean bone in my body, and I thought they were right. I always had a hard time with being competitive because I didnt want to hurt anyone nd I was somewhat content to sit in the sand trap or on the sidelines unless subbed in.That is, until I had this self-realization one day in the stands. After that, a fire lit in my belly that hadnt been there before and I was ready to show everyone what I could do. This fire didnt go away and, actually, still hasnt to this day. And so, I Joined the football team and said good fling to the marching band as my first official act of taking control of my life. Looking back, I dont regret being in t he marching band for three years, but I do ish I had played football all four years of my high school career.Unfortunately, I never felt the urge to play until that moment of self-realization that my life would pass me by if I didnt take hold, that night in the stands. And I never would have had the aim to follow my heart without that fiery passion in my gut that was ignited that night. In the grand scheme of things, this decision was very minor in nature, switch from one extracurricular activity to another. However, for me, it was a very momentous and self-awakening experience where I discovered how strong I can be.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Aphra Behns, Oroonoko is definitely a story that revolves around betrayal. frequently of the conflict that resounds in Oroonko throughout the story is based on actions of betrayal. Oroonoko, the royal slave, is constantly surrounded by one betraying act after another. In the beginning of the story Behn portrays Oroonoko and Imoinda as beautiful creatures. They were destined to be together. The betrayal of the king by stealing Imoinda away from Oroonoko for himself was ultimately the ut nearly deceiving act a granddaddy could portray against his grandson.The old king was so smitten by Imoindas beauty he cute her for himself, despite knowing that Oroonko and Imoinda were privately vowed to one another. He was therefore no sooner got to his apartment save he sent the royal veil to Imoinda, that is, the ceremony of invitation he sends the lady he has a forefront to honor with his bed a veil, with which she is covered, and secured for the Kings use and tis death to disobey, besides h eld a most impious disobedience(Behn 2320).Next we read where Oroonoko meets back up with a skipper and commander that he at once had sold his own slaves. The captain wines and dines Oroonoko and entertains him so that Oroonoko fell hard in a trap the captain had decisively laid out to capture Oroonoko. Once the prince was drunk with wine he was curious to have a bun in the oven over the ship. The captain quickly took the opportunity to seize him and forced him into great irons and thrown in with the rest of the slaves on the ship.The text reads, and betrayed into slavery(Behn 2332). In closing, Oroonoko faced many trials and betrayals in his life that were physically and emotionally malicious and ultimately destructive. From the betrayal of his own grandfather lusting after his one true dearest to being tricked by the captain, a man he trusted, into slavery. Oroonoko resented this indignity, who may be best resembled to a king of beasts taken in a toil and tired by rage and in dignation, he laid himself down, and sullenly resolved upon dying(Behn 2332).
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
In Rebecca Skloots novel The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks umpteen ethical questions are raised regarding the practices used to collect and distribute Henriettas cells. These practices led to emotional challenges approach by each of Henriettas family members and close friends. These ethical issues combined with the struggles faced such as poverty, effrontery and the lack of education by the Lacks family contribute to the overall theme of the novel. Once Henrietta was diagnosed with cervical cancer, she was forced to put up with harsh radiation treatments in the hopes to battle the disease, which ultimately led to her demise.Her family and friends watched her suffer without any knowledge of her cells creation taken or continuing to live after her body had departed. The Lacks family, including Henrietta, trusted the doctors at Hopkins and never horizon to question anything tests they needed to run or surgeries they asked to preform. The family was also very uneducated. When to ld her niggles cells were immortal and save living, Deborah as well as other Lacks began to think there were millions of Henriettas roaming the world.The question of ethics, which reoccurs throughout the novel, was that of whether the doctors at stern Hopkins should have asked for permission before collecting Henriettas cells. Another question raised was whether the HeLa cells fame, should have been explained to the stay Lacks and whether or not the family was entitled to a portion of the profits. When Slook came in touch with the family, she began to teach them about their mother and her cells they were finally beginning to understand the nature of their mothers cells. The theme that had the largest impact on my course session of the novel was that of ethics.The use of human cells without the knowledge of the patient is unethical especially when the education level and hearty class of that patient is used to the doctors advantage. There were several decisions made throughout t he novel in which the family had no say, therefor they were made to the advantage of the decision maker. The initial sample taken from Henriettas tumor is unitary of many examples. Henrietta thought that she was simply going in to have her cancer removed, when in fact her cells were removed and currently are still thriving.The question of ethics did not come into play when the outcome benefited mortal other than the patient. The nature in which Henrietta and her family were treated is very unethical. They were virtually left in the dark and the fame that Henriettas cells received was never shared with the family. There are many different views on peoples cells once they have been removed from the body. Whether or not I agree with these views would be enough for a paper itself. The novel written by Skloot gave Henrietta, her family, and her cells the proper place in history to which they deserve.
Media and Nursing Essay
The differences between maintains at the associate degree train verses the competencies of a baccalaureate degree train is skill and cultivation. Skills and k right offledge are needed to provide safe and competent care regardless of what level of nursing that you are pursuing. According to the journal, abetter _or_ abettor degree level nurses are teach more so at the bedside level. The baccalaureate level nurse are trained to think and critically and solve problems. The Associate level nurse are trained to asses and look for abnormal findings such as abnormal source pressures, a CHF patient of with a significant weight gain in twenty four hours.The Baccalaureate level nurses are trained to think critically and solve problems. Although both levels are required to give critical thinking skills to pass the state board exam, the baccalaureate level nursing goes more in depth on how to utilize these skills. The Associate Nurse basically provides care for the patient, this inclu des completing all activities of daily living, assessing the skin, obtaining vital signs, obtaining lab samples, starting peripheral lines or administering intravenous fluids.The Baccalaureate level nurse explicate the patient and attempt to prevent worsening conditions, the baccalaureate level nurse also instructs and educates the patient to admonisher their surgical sites for signs and symptoms of infections such as redness, swelling, or drainage and to report the findings immediately. The BSN advises and instructs the patient to report signs and symptoms of pain at the earliest onset. The BSN advises the patient on the importance of reporting these findings. The Baccalaureate Nurse is in most cases a charge nurse who deals with staffing issues and deals with unit emergencies as they may arise.A senior Associate level nurse may be a charge nurse based on years of experience, knowledge and bore. Although both levels must(prenominal) take over clinical competence they puddle different levels of knowledge used in the practice of nursing. According to the Journal of Professional Nursing Issue in May 2008, the educational preparation of nurses must provide the necessary skills and foundation for graduates to practice at a level of competency and safety (www. library. gcu. edu). This generator has personally witnessed a BSN level urse actually a couple, that are new graduates who are not competent.They were obtaining livestock pressures and was not sure how to place the cuff on properly or where to place the stethoscope on the patients arm and then they asked, how do you know which on is the systolic and which is diastolic. This writer was frantic tho as an associate level nurse eager to assist these new graduates on the proper way of obtaining a blood pressure and they were very appreciative. In thinking roughly this question further to the highest degree entry into practice, I had to do some reflection.As I come from an AD program, I have to say t hat for the time (graduated 2007), and for the expectations of entry-level RN practice at that time, I received the most complete and schoolwide education that I could have ever asked for at Florida Gateway College in Lake City, Florida. I knew I was nimble to begin working as a safe, competent professional and I quickly learned as I worked alongside new BSN graduates that I was more clinically prepared in many ways. That world said, I also knew that if I wanted to have more choice with regard to my future, I would have to pursue at minimum a BSN.So, I find a definitive answered to the question present to be difficult. Regarding ENTRY into practice, I believe that an AD program prepared nurse can be a huge asset to nursing practice, and in many ways is more prepared now than even I was with regard to some issues (e. g. critical thinking and competency and skills). In light of the underway shortage, as well as other issues, the reality is that AD program graduates are here to st ay, callable to the fact that they are geared for bedside nursing and the acute care setting is becoming more prominent.I do believe that if possible, a student should pursue BSN education in the nearest future to offer in knowledge and education, but there are often obstacles to that for some students. This nurse has enjoyed being at the AND level working closely with the patients at the bedside, working closely with the Primary Care Providers and all of the members of the interdisciplinary team, but now I feel that there are more marketable opportunities as a BSN level nurse.At the end of the day it does not matter what level nursing you are on, you must keep the patients best interest as far as safety and education level at heart. The more you enhance and advance your knowledge the more you can teach your patients about prevention and safety. The health care field is however becoming more demanding as far as medically and requiring employees to be technology savvy. So to summar ize, the AND level nurse is trained for the bedside and the BSN level nurse is trained more so to think critically and to solve problems.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Commodore Perry’s Journey to Japan
After the conclusion of the contend of 1812 and prior to the Civil War, the joined States navy entered into a peacetime role. Initi altogethery, this role was to protect commerce handicraft in both inland and international waterways. However, that role was soon expanded upon with Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perrys journey to Japan. The journey had its fast impact, including the subscribe of a comprehensive treaty that established trade relations with Japan and provided protection for sailors and their ships. Perrys expedition in any case had the impact of serving as a precursor for the change in what the Navys responsibilities encompassed, which even carry on to the present day Navy. Commodore Perry left for Japan with the objectives of opening up Japanese ports to trade and ensuring American bearing and protection in East Asia. These terms were outlined in detailed instructions from the Secretary of the Navy John P. Kennedy, diplomatical instructions from the State Department, and a permitter from President Millard Fillmore to the Emperor of Japan2 that Perry carried with him on his voyage.From beginning to end Perrys voyage spanned ix months and was filled with trials and tribulations. The Japanese were initially turned off to the idea of Americans entering their country, and would not even let them step on land. Only double did Perry and his squadron come ashore in the nine months prior to the signing of the official treaty. Most of the negotiations took place upon various ships in Perrys control and the meetings were often difficult to coordinate.Based on notes from Perrys personal ledger, these complications often lead to frustration and Perry was constantly considering employing whole force that he was minded(p) to use if he deemed it necessary to achieve his goals. 3 However, this was ultimately unnecessary, and Perry did well to remind himself that his voyage was diplomatic and pacific in nature. The negotiations were an arduous process and Pe rry even left Japan returning later with twice as many ships, anticipating a struggle. This was unnecessary as the Japanese agreed to Perrys desires and the melanize ships aphorism no combat.With the agreement of the Japanese the Treaty of Kanagawa was drafted and subsequently signed on 31 March 1854. This treaty allowed for a U. S. consul to be created at Shimoda, and allowed access to the ports of Hakodate and Shimoda for the purpose of obtaining wood, water, provisions, and coal, and other articles their necessities may require. The treaty also required that whenever ships of the United States are thrown or wrecked on the coast of Japan, the Japanese vessels will attend to them, and carry their crews to Shimoda. Thirdly, men staying in Shimoda and Hakodate, or any seamen shipwrecked shall be free and shall not be able torestrictions and confinement. 4Although there was not a formal agreement on trade in these open ports, Perry false correctly that with an American presence in port, trade would come naturally. 5 The initial impact of Perrys expedition and the treaty with Japan gave the United States Navy many new roles and an international presence on the high seas. Japan had been a country focused on isolationism for centuries. This isolationism is mainly connected to the zeal of beforehand(predicate) military commissionaries who traveled to Japan.The United States was able to avert this conflict in values by Commodore Perrys instantly statement to the Japanese leadership that the United States government does not interfere with the religion of its own people, practically less with that of other nations. 6 Several attempts were made to open Japan to American trade, barely all had failed. One such failure was that of Commodore pack Biddle, which proved to be a complete embarrassment for the United States, as he made several mistakes in his conduct and on top of it all mandatory to be towed out of port by a Japanese ship. The fact that Commodore Perry was successful in his mission changed the status quo in regards to what the United States Navy could and could not do. Perry proved that the United States was capable of having a previous presence in foreign lands and was able to establish international trade in East Asia. The proof of commercial relations with Japan furthered the Navys responsibility in protecting trade. Perrys exploits also showed that diplomacy was a possible way for the United States to establish influence in other countries.Thirdly, Perry and his black ships were the first sign of American deterrence. The fact that American ships were off the coast of Japan ready to sharpshoot an underprepared country made it very difficult for the Japanese to negotiate anything in their favor or assimilate any tactical or strategic decisions to remove the threat of Perrys force. The roles of the Navy that Commodore Perry established in the mid-nineteenth century are still prevalent in the present day.The idea of the Navy as a protector of commerce (although established before Perry, he was instrumental in expanding the Navys prevalence in ensuring safe trade) continues into the present day. An example of this would be ships stationed in the Mediterranean Sea. This area, specifically around the fling of Hormuz is crucial to trade in the Middle East. The presence of the United States Navy maintains a safe trading environment between the United States and its allies, and other countries in the region.Commodore Perry also introduced the idea of deterrence, which is crucial in the operations of the Navy in todays world. One example of American deterrence is the use of submarines, furnished with nuclear war heads and ballistic missiles, which are virtually invisible to our enemies. Perry also proved that diplomacy was a very potent way to establish influence in foreign countries and maintain a presence without force. This is also seen in the United States establishment of embassies in foreign coun tries and the use of diplomats to negotiate with foreign countries.Commodore Perrys expedition to Japan had a tremendous impact on the United States at the time it occurred, but it also had an everlasting impact on how the Navy operates and what roles and responsibilities it chooses to take on. Notes 1. Walworth, Arthur. Black ships off Japan the fib of Commodore Perrys expedition 242. New York A. A. Knopf, 1946. 2. Bradford, James C. Quarterdeck and bridge two centuries of American naval leaders 115. Annapolis, MD nautical Institute Press, 1997. 3. Perry, Matthew Calbraith, and Roger Pineau.The Japan Expedition, 1852-1854 the personal journal of Commodore Matthew C. Perry 157. Washington Smithsonian Institution Press, 1968. 4. Barrows, Edward Morley. The great commodore the exploits of Matthew Calbraith Perry 365. Indianapolis The Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1935. 5. Anderson, David. Perry, Matthew Calbraith. American subject area Biography Online Feb. 2000 (accessed October 2, 2012). 6. W alworth, Arthur. Black ships off Japan. 243. 7. Bradford, James C. Quarterdeck and Bridge. 113. Bibliography Anderson, David. Perry, Matthew Calbraith. American National Biography Online Feb. 000 (accessed October 2, 2012). Barrows, Edward Morley. The great commodore the exploits of Matthew Calbraith Perry 365. Indianapolis The Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1935. Bradford, James C. Quarterdeck and bridge two centuries of American naval leaders. Annapolis, MD Naval Institute Press, 1997. Perry, Matthew Calbraith, and Roger Pineau. The Japan Expedition, 1852-1854 the personal journal of Commodore Matthew C. Perry 157. Washington Smithsonian Institution Press, 1968. Walworth, Arthur. Black ships off Japan the story of Commodore Perrys expedition. New York A. A. Knopf, 1946.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Arranged Marriage 1
Original Essay Marriage is commonly defined as the relationship between two people of opposite sex known as economize and wife, and it is a key to bring them happiness. Therefore, choosing a husband and wife is one of the most classic decisions for everyones carriage because a marriage sewer bring either a happy life or an miserable life. In adult maley countries in the world, and especially in the western countries, a man or cleaning woman can choose their own partner. In contrast, in virtually countries like Cambodia, parents arrange their childrens marriage.However, if we take over a closer look at arranged marriages, there are some contrasting ideas slightly them in our society. We can easily acknowledge that parents have more life experience, but this does not ineluctably assure that they will always choose the right spouse for their child. In fact, arranged marriage primarily has both goods and disadvantages. One of the most important advantages to arranged marriag e is having a good financial credential and living condition. Of course, Money doesnt automatically bring a good happiness, but the lack of cash can cause lots of troubles in the family and stresses in any relationship.In Kampuchean tradition, parents often get hold of transfers of property to their marrying children, and hopefully they wish to bring their children with a very good financial and living condition. For example, some Kampuchean parents give property such as house, land, money and jewelry to the new couple after(prenominal) getting married, and they have an important role in solving any problems happening to their married children. In addition, parents have greater life experiences than their children therefore, they can usually make a better decision or judgment.For instance, In Cambodian culture, many parents always think carefully about whom their children should marry, and most of their thoughts focus on financial situation, family status and individual behav ior because they strongly opine that if their children get married to a husband or wife who has these things, problem will not happen. The second advantage of the arranged marriage is that children can bring gratefulness and honor to their family. Cambodian people believe in Buddhism. In Buddhism, People believe in returning gratitude to their parents, and hildren have an obligation to maintain their familys honor. Marrying into a good family is considered to be a way of returning gratitude to parents, especially for a young girl. Moreover, getting married to someone that is arranged by parents is recognized that children obey Khmer traditional culture and respect their parents gratefully. For example, when a daughter get married to man that is selected by her parents, she will be considered a grateful daughter because everything she behaves doesnt go against Khmer tradition.The third advantage is that parents can end a very big and important duty in their life. Traditionally, it i s an obligation for Cambodian parents to choose and arrange marriage for their children so that their familys reputation and honor can be retained. Generally, Cambodian children live with their parents until they get married, and parents have a lot of responsibilities for their children. Choosing marriage partner for their children is one of the most important responsibilities during their life.For instance, from the time their children were born until the time they get married parents have to do a lot of duties such as taking care of their childrens health, earning money to support the basic needs and education for their children and looking for for childrens marriage partner either. After getting married, children have their own responsibility and they have to exist the ways their parents behave toward them. Therefore, parents do not need to responsible for such heavy burdens anymore.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Zakat and the taxation system in Saudi Arabia Research Proposal
Zakat and the taxation system in Saudi Arabia - search Proposal ExampleThese taxes are income tax, Zakat, Natural shooter Investment tax, withholding tax, capital gains tax, and indirect taxes. beneath income tax, the government of Saudi Arabia targets the taxable income of joint stock companies, Saudi effective organizations, partnership businesses, contractors, foreign companies, and free-living professionals (Janjua, 39).Zakat is a religious wealth tax, the government levies on the citizens of Saudi-Arabia, and other nationals of the GCC. This tax is levied from the profits they obtain in the various companies that these nationals operate in Saudi Arabia (Hefner, 39). The rate of calculating this tax is 2.5% of the capital employed. The Natural Gas Investment Tax is charged on any person involved in the business of inseparable gas, and other businesses related to the production and sale of natural gas. Withholding tax is a deducted from any pay made to an individual who is a non-resident of Saudi Arabia (Otto, 28). The people targeted do not have any legal registration that allows them to engage in economic activities in Saudi Arabia. Capital gain taxes are levied on the gains made by the sale of business assets, or an individuals fixed assets (Janjua, 42).Despite the course credit of these taxes by the Ministerial Resolution 278, this research proposal concentrates on the tax system referred to Zakat. To understand the temperament of this research, this proposal will explain this concept of Zakat, and how it relates to Sharia law. Sharia law is one of the laws that govern the regime of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic State. This has made the country to develop a system whereby everybody residing within the Saudi Arabia has to live in accordance to the principles and tenets of Islam. Paying alms to the poor is one of the teachings of Islam. Zakat Taxation system is developed from this teaching of paying alms to the poor (Hefner, 36). Thi s research proposal analyzes the aims and
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
China, Asia and Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
China, Asia and Globalization - Essay modelHowever, the article goes on to highlight the flaws and indicators of why people should be skeptical of the present state. It gives a serial of factors that ar presently inflicting misery on a potential global leader and the ways that enkindle be used to correct these flaws. This is accompanied by comparisons with other similar economies such as India, southward Korea and Japan that are all from the same region. The writer takes the audience first through the present vices that are facing the country such as pollution, and the growing workforce (Ebenstein et al 10). This is culminated by the effects that these factors provide have on the economy not only in the present but also in future terms. It is an analysis of the indicators and their influence to the economy as global trends that need to be critically examined if a country aims at making it in future (Bremmer 41). These arguments are assertive of the writers of import theme that is to highlight a skeptic nature of economic trends that can only be heighten by being short-term and not in the long-term. However, the article ends by highlighting that although there whitethorn be problems relating with a strong China a weak China is even more harmful to the world (Bremmer 42). This is attributable to the level of obtain that the country currently holds. One of the arguments that the article highlights is the level of control and independent nature of Chinese interactions where they have managed to malign themselves from the West. Western countries have in the past.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Business Decision Making Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Decision Making - Research Paper Examplethey conciliate their decision and do not wait for more wefts or alternatives. Thus they gener all toldy look for answers which argon good luxuriant and may not be the best.Although leadership and management functions vary widely from agreement to organization, the function of decision making is common to all. Managers be always taking a decision , elfin or big and all these are important in the sense that they affect the individual, team or overall performance of an organization. All people have their own style of decision making and they alike differ in the amount of information they use in decision making. Some reach conclusions from unsloped a few facts while some strike their own time by gathering and perusing and analyzing large amounts of information. The Figure below shows the difference between the low and high information users. It shows that early in the process, the knowledge is going from zero to something great er and this information is most likely to be important. Thus Satisficers, obligate the decision at point B, when they have learned enough while Maximizers, keep evaluating information until they alone are learning nothing new about the problem.Simon (1955, 1956, 1957) introduced an important distinction between maximizing and satisficing as choice-making strategies. In maximizing decision making - the idea is to find the best possible solution and requires an utter(a) search of all possibilities. To satisfice is to look for good enough possibility and stopping when this good enough solution is found. In decision-making, satisficing explains the tendency to select the first option that meets a given need or select the option that seems to address most needs rather than the optimal solution. Generally managers go for Satisficing decisions when the decisions are of small significance. Moreover, in daya to day functioning, many situations arise where they have take a decision quickly . In such acses also. A satificing decision making is made. A manager cannot wait for all alternatives or theater of operations each and every report to when he is facing time constraints. It is extremely cost - ineffective to take lots of information into consideration for day - to-day decisions. It is not that Satisficers have low expectations, rather they accept that in that respect is more than one option that will satisfy them. And Once they are able to find an option that meets their initial criteria they are content to conclude their search. On the other hand, senior mangers who need to take into business relationship the objectives and the goals of the company, need lots of information and analysis in front they can take decisions. At senior levels, it is call for and essential to act as a maximizer and try to review each and every alternative before arriving at a decision. This is because a decision at this level has far reaching consequences on the companys policies a nd direction. They are the ones taking the high stakes decision and thus keep on looking for the best of all the options, establishing new criteria as they go. Maximizers may do better objectively, but they do worsened subjectively. They feel worse about their decisions and are less happy with the results than the satisficers.Therefore , in the long run, that is for maximizing profits and construction strategies foe overall business performance, managers generally act cautious and
Monday, May 13, 2019
PEST(LE) Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
PEST(LE) Analysis - Essay subjectPESTLE analysis is done to identify the factors which may affect the smooth journey of Starbucks towards it triumph. Starbuck is a largest international coffeehouse chain in the world, which is based in United States. Starbucks aims at selling dripped brew coffee, hot and cold drinks, espresso-based hot drinks, snacks, coffee mugs and coffee beans. Starbucks also have Entertainment division, Hear Music distinguish and also markets books and films (Thompson, 2001). Methods used by Starbuck to increase its market size Starbucks from its foundation in Seattle, Washington, has grown in size as a local coffee bean seller by opening cutting stores all over Seattle. The local growth later slowed but the company expanded in the unknown markets and is opening 7 stores a day worldwide. Today Starbucks market trade in the restaurant constancy rose by 7% from the previous year 23%. The revenue also rose by 11% to $ 3.36 billion. The global sales at store rose by 6% and that increased the affair by 5% and the average spending per visit went up to 1% in average. These figures show the success of Starbucks and also encourage the company to increase its market share. ... These beans ensured dear(p) quality and thus coffee lovers as well as common people relied on this brand. Starbucks thus penetrated in to the market by ensuring their customers penny-pinching quality of coffee. Till November 2012, Starbucks had 18000 company owned outlets worldwide of which 13000 are in United States and the rest in other countries. The company has its outlets in 62 countries more or less the globe and is expanding more to increase its market share in the restaurant industry. In China, Starbucks experienced potential growth and recently there are around 3000 stores. The reason behind the success of the company in China is that it focussed on productivity by means of innovative products and it also saw expansion through the successful working of m arket place channel. In the grocery department, craze for K-Cups and other products have make the brand available in the consumer homes also. Many of the customers of Starbucks have made Starbucks their daily hangouts where they use the free internet connection to interact with their friends and the habit continues with the introduction of new menus. Starbucks from its climax went on unveiling new markets all over the world. Tokyo was the first location for Starbuck outside sexual union America. It established their outlets there in 1996. It entered the market of United Kingdom in 1998. Thereafter it went on entering countries like China, India and expanded their brand them with dignity (Kumar, 2000). Starbucks increased their product line and made their products unique and good in quality. Few of the products are Vanilla Latte, Mocha White mocha, Caramel Machiatto, Caramel Frappuchino and Mocha Frappuchino. Starbuck gives a tall cup of coffee at just $2.00 and $20.00 for the fan ciest drink.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Recognize the relationship of the general journal to the general Essay
Recognize the relationship of the everyday journal to the general ledger - Essay ensampleGeneral journal usu all(prenominal)y records the transactions that are not save in other journals gum olibanum they are non routine transactions such as depreciation, bad debts, sale or purchase of non-current assets. In short, it would be right to say that the transactions for which there are no specific journal, they ended up with general journal. The main purpose of general journal is adjustment (Gilbertson and Lehman, 2012).General ledger is the summarized version of all the entries. It serves as the main record for financial accounts. Ledger breaks accounts by their nature and type such as inventory purchases, gainice supplies, and equipment purchases. Thus each account reflects particular information regarding a specific multitude of transaction. It includes the involvement of cash as purchases and payments. The general ledger should include the date, description and balance or primi tive amount for each account. It acts as the backbone of any accounting system which holds financial and non-financial data for an governance (Porter and Norton, 2011).Thus the difference between the two is that general journal is the place where the transaction is first recorded where as general ledger is the group where all similar transactions are recorded together. notwithstanding there is a significant relationship between the two, as for the preparation of general ledger, the information derived from general journal serves as an input. As each general ledger account does have a calculate and credit account in it which is the result of general journal entries. When accountants are preparing general ledger entries, they fate to refer to general journal first (Gilbertson and Lehman, 2012).Both of these accounting tools have some specific purposes. Businesses account on ledger when it comes to monthly reporting. It shows the total expenses for the month. However, few details are lacking from the transactions. For example off setting. On the other hand, General journal shows the amount of total sales for
Saturday, May 11, 2019
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND CONCEPT Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
try CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND CONCEPT - Case Study ExampleThe come with has a number of options for settlement its problem including resourcing the bottles from a different supplier, or inviting Deerfield to set up a small plant nearby, close to of which do not witness the selection criteria set. On this regard, the most feasible option is establishing its own form machinery and to hire the appropriate expertise, to integrate bottle exertion with their filling line because it would yield higher returns on investment in the long-term. Defining the problem or issue Crowning Glory Limited, a head-to-head company that has grown in leaps and bounds over the past 20 becoming a major(ip) supplier of hair-care products to the dressing table has recently contemplated the allow for of products to the retail market. Therefore, the company has struck a compact deal to contribute their Crowning Glory Shampoo to a retail merchant, which involves shipping colossal quantities of their produc t to the retailers regional distribution centres. To expand their production and sales, the company volition need large quantities of blow-moulded bottles, which its occurrent supplier Deerfield, whose plant is located 200 kilometres away, would be willing to supply. However, Crowning Glory Limited will incur higher packaging follows in shipping large volumes of fresh air, which is a large proportion of the cost of producing small bottles of shampoo. In this regard, for the company to diversify its product base cost effectively, it inescapably to get the blow-moulded bottles at a lower and feasible cost. Analysis of the case data with focus on causes and effects A rapidly growing company like Crowning Glory Limited has to count on about expanding its customer base and diversifying its product market in the most efficient way, to achieve best benefits while limiting costs because as global markets expand, so does competition. This makes supply chain management, which is the man agement of reading and material flows both in and between facilities (Douglas and Griffin, 1996), an issue of concern to companies today (Wisner, Tan, and Leong, 2012). This company has achieved massive acknowledgement due to its high-end product that has become popular with users leading to a serious need to expand its distribution, to meet the rising demand for its product, and to take market leadership. The company is anticipating to launch Crowning Glory brand finished retail trade, in addition to contracting other major retailers for own brand products this will forecast for the establishment of a supply chain that will be both responsive and cost effective. The company needs to ensure that their product reaches a wider market on time and cost effectively, to take vantage of short lead times over its competitors in the industry. In this regard, the company needs to rethink its supply chain strategy, which involves restructuring its distribution lines to get rid of unnecessa ry steps that could potentially lead to disruptions in the supply chain (Sodhi, and Tang, 2012). It is no longer feasible for the company to acquire moulded-bottles from its current supplier due to cost implications, and possible delays in packaging, which could stall the supply chain. Current Supply Chain and Product range Characteristics afterlife Supply Chain and Product range Characteristics A fully flexible product focus production with an emphasis on a specific line as opposed to different lines of product An wide awake cycle Inventory strategy, enough to satisfy demand for the product A continuous replenishment office strategy, with facilities in fewer
Friday, May 10, 2019
Gun Control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Gun Control - Research Paper ExampleAs is but native and expected in any vibrant democracy, the issue of wedge control has attracted much assertions for and against it. If on the one and only(a) side there are people and groups who support the constitutional right to bear arms, claiming that the common citizens do need guns to protect themselves and their loved ones from crime, on the other side there are citizens who vouch for stricter gun laws, as they assert that guns give way to much crime and violence in the society (Kleiman 148). twain the sides extend such arguments in their support that sound pragmatic and viable. In an academic context, it would be truly informative and interesting to delve on the varied arguments extended by people on both sides of this flaring issue.It is a known fact that the the Statesn legal system had its moorings in the English green Law (Strauss 34). However, when it comes to the issue pertaining to the right or prerogative of the common citize ns to bear arms, America has affiliated to a stance that is very(prenominal) unlike the avenues available in the English Common Law (Strauss 34). As is evident, the laws in any nation, to a large extent, often have their genesis in the history and socio-political background of that country. Thereby, exit by the historical realities amidst which America emerged to be a free and sovereign nation the constitution of America extended to its citizens the right to bear arms. The right to bear arms is enshrined in the Bill of Rights and was enacted as the chip Amendment to the Constitution of America. Therefore, it is evident that in a historical and political context, America affiliated to a very liberal and tolerant approach, as far as the keeping and bearing of arms by its citizens was bear on (Strauss 34).The irony is that varied social opinion makers, legal scholars and lay citizens have facilitated varied and mutually opposed interpretations of the right to bear arms existent in the Constitution. There are people
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Formal Language Tests. The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language Essay
Formal voice communication try ons. The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language - Essay ExampleThe CASL can be used on children as old as 3 and adults up to the ages of 21. It is mostly through the use of CASL that you get a clear picture of an individuals language processing skills and his structural understanding in that locationby proving to be a useful tool for documenting development of an individual from a very early age any the way to his post secondary years. It also applies to a person with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) narrow down up guidelines used for recognizing language impairment mostly because the CASL functions solely on age-based norms. The CASL consists of 15 tests all of which cypher to effectively measure ones language processing skills these focusing primarily on comprehension, side and retrieval. The structure is measured by division into four language categories these beingSemantic or Lexical, Syntactic, Superliguistic and practical (a) (Carrow-Woolfolk, 1999).... is such that the most representative aspects of the language categories fall into the core measures whereas the supplementary aspect concentrates on providing additive information that aids in quantitative and qualitative evaluation. Also it is imperative to mention that for most CASL tests there are Descriptive Analysis Worksheets provided which enable an individual to focus on specific skill aspects for intervention. The Test Books that are provided are not only easy to use but aid the judicatory by serving as a fast and simple reference. The initial set forth of the book focuses on providing administration guidelines whereas the rest of it focuses on convenient record forms, which are for a range of ages (3-6 and 721). The sole aspire of the book is to provide ample room for an analysis for profiling, responses towards items, different scores and behavioral observations. The Oral and written Language Scales (OWLS Carrow-Woolfolk, 1996) is diff erent from a CASL in the way it is a theoretically based measure which is use individually and aims to measure receptive and expressive language for little children as well as adults. It is a test that is administered using oral as well as written components for ages 3 to 21 years, even so the written expression is mainly for ages 5 to 21. The test takes about 20 minutes to administer, and along with its boilersuit score, the OWLS Written Expression gives percentages for nine special skills areas that are divided into three main planes Listening perception ( LC), Oral Expression (OE), and Written Expression (WE) (Carrow-Woolfolk, 1996, p. 33). While these scales are developed and form a part of the same evaluation, the oral language component, that is LC and OE, are put together in the same manual date the
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Finance Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Finance Ethics - Essay exampleWe shall address their views regarding such decisions and issues. track deals in automobiles that find a market all over the world. The achievement of the caller-up is dependent on a number of stakeholders as viewed from the perspective of production of the end product. every(prenominal) stages of production call for integration of a couple of elements that move in the same direction (Preston, 1995).Employees be key stakeholders in this company. They feature in various departments and segments of the organization. Production process would need personnel in the degree of engineers and technical experts. There would be a need for administrators, marketers, assistant managers and a whole cuckold of other staff members. The organization would have to steer them towards achieving goals of the organization without ignoring other stakeholders (Preston, 1995).Financiers of the company be in the form of banks and shareholders. Their role is key in having the entire company on its feet. Hiring of personnel, making purchases from suppliers, marketing, and advertising are all dependent on funds generated and availed by suppliers.Another key stakeholder of this company is the target customer. The company has a moral duty to have their needs first by providing quality automobile and afterwards sales attention. Their opinion and regards about the item bought is an area of concern for the buyers. Their suggestions define the success of the company (Harrison, 2010).Suppliers to Ford Motors complete a segment of the success puzzle. They avail resources to the company for the production process. Structural materials in the form of tires, metallic items, and other requirements make production happen.Ford Motor Company thrives in a association that is on its receiving end of the matters that come with production. The company has to be a good citizen to execute production responsibly. political bodies have a stake
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 46
Homework - Essay ExampleThis implies that a trainee involve to be careful when executing tasks and possess the highest mental strength to tackle difficult situations. Similarly, sociability mark is the ability to accommodate divergent views from others while extroversion enables one to be sociable. Sincerity to experience is the conscious and creative nature of an individual to come up with new strategies.The problems that occur in organizations due to a self-enhancement phenomenon include making of poor decisions and being overconfident in all situations. This implies that employees can overestimate the possibilities of attaining their ideas because of the appointed elements and strengths they possess. In this regard, organizational leaders should ensure that their employees understand their weaknesses instead of focusing on the positive attributes only.economic value congruence is relevant regarding organizational against professional values in that it eliminates confusion and conflicts of interests. This implies that a professional shares corresponding values and objectives to those of the organizational missions. It can also contribute to higher job satisfaction, allegiance and organizational citizenship because a professional is able to execute his skills without conflicts or problems with the management.High forefinger distance and collectivism are cross-cultural components that illustrate the nature in which individuals in a certain society accept unequal power distribution. The implications of this information are that employees value submission to authority and are comfortable getting commands from their bosses without deliberations. As a result, when a senior executive visits another country, he or she will not face rampart from employees who observe a different
Monday, May 6, 2019
North American Agriculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
North the Statesn Agriculture - Essay Example all three originated from the southern Mexico or MesoAmerican area. Squash is named after the Massachuset Indian word askutasquash, meaning not cooked. Anthropologists think squash may be a major factor in the transition of native raft from hunter/gatherers to growers. The fruits of howling(a) squash were easy to find and offered flesh, nutritious seed, edible flowers and even containersmade from a hard-shell squash known as gourd (Gilmer, 1). Summer squash is known as Curcurbita pepo, winter squash and pumpkins are C. maxima or C. moschata. All three species are native to the Western Hemisphere.Beans are another of the oldest foods grown in North America and one of the oldest known to man. They have played a significant part in the diet of people for thousands of years. Beans were domesticated active 7000 years ago in both Peru and southern Mexico. Peru developed beans with bright colour and large seeds, while Mexico developed white and black beans with variations of patterns that were downcast seeded. The tribes in Mexico and Peru traveled across the undefiled spreading the beans and their techniques for developing these plants. As the New World was being discovered, many varieties of beans were already being successfully grown by the native people.Corn dates back to its origin as a grass on the Mexican plateau 80,000 years ago. The grass was called teosinte and is believed to have been developed by the native population. The teosinte looked very distinct from todays corn with small kernels not fused into a husk on an ear like too soon lemon tree and modern corn. Over time, Native Americans created maize through specialized cultivation. Grass grows in segments and the ears of maize were produced at the joints of the segments. Encouraging the growth of ears on the lower joints and only replanting kernels from those successful plants eventually adapted the put to work to a shorter growing season and inc reased the yield. As the genetics of the plant were changed, its value as a food source increased. Native Americans discovered that maize could be grown, harvested, and dried, then ground into flour. Surplus maize would be stored in underground storage pits, ingeniously constructed and lined with grasses (Prindle 2), and used over the winter. Eventually the growing of maize along with beans and squash was adopted into the southwestern and southeastern regions of North America. Native people pose household gardens and larger fields next to their villages. The fields were made of small mounds of tilled earth about one foot high and 20 across, spaced about 4 feet apart and placed in rows or at random. Their method is to plant five to six kernels of corn in a small circle in the middle of the mound. As the corn grew, they would plant seven or eight pole beans in a circle about six inches away from the corn kernels. Several days by and by they planted seven or eight squash or pumpkin seeds.When the plants began to grow, they would thin out the wonky and leave the strongest plants. Author, Tara Prindle wrote, The corn stalk serves as a pole for the beans, the beans help to add the nitrogen to the landed estate that the corn needs, and the squash provides a ground cover of shade that helps the soil retain moisture (2). This is how the three Sisters work together
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Stereotypes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Stereotypes - Essay exampleOver time, people come to believe these stereotypes as literal images of an undeniable reality and, accordingly, perceive of and fragility members of the stereotyped group from within the confines of these biased opinions.The United States, despite its being a heterogeneous, pluralistic society with a supposedly liberal and multicultural society, is a virtual hotbed of stereotypes. There is hardly an ethnic, racial, spectral or cultural group in the US which is not defined in accordance with a set of, often unflattering and negative, stereotypes. Indeed, as Slotkin (2001) maintains, the entire notion of the melting pot, let alone that of the many an(prenominal) as one, is nothing but a myth (469). The various ethnic, racial, religious and shade groups in the solid ground have not melted into one another and are, most definitely, not one. They are separated by each groups belief in its own difference from the others and by stereotypes which effectivel y determine the manner in which each group will be sensed of by the others stereotypes which are ultimately founded upon the exaggerated representation of differences. According to Aleiss (1995) Among the many stereotyped groups in the United States, few have been so persistently perceived and treated from within the narrow, prejudicial and often erroneous confines of stereotypes as have been the American Indians/ subjective Americans. Following a brief overview of the biased views surrounding American Indians, the translation of stereotypes into actual practices shall be analyze in relation to the military.It has been theorised that anti-American Indian stereotypes emerged as a consequence of the relationship between ethnicity and solid groundality. In his overview of this theoretical conceptualization, Slotkin (2001) contends that perceptions of an immutable relationship between ethnicity and nationality, compounded with an overwhelming determination to create a nation which was reflective of their identity, beliefs and worldview, literally drove the early European settlers to impose images of savagery upon the native Americans, thereby furnishing a justification for their annihilation. As Todorov (1984) explains, the earlier settlers had, either directly or indirectly, been pushed out of their native lands primarily because they obviously did not fit in. Upon settling in the New World, they were determined to create a nation which reflected who they were and protrude a culture which echoed their values and promoted their social, economic, political and ideological worldviews. Within the context of this particular nation and culture building project, the American Indian functioned as an anomaly, an obstacle to the fulfilment of the stated. Consequently, the realization of the settlers articulated ambition became inextricably linked to the removal of the stated obstacle, ultimately leading to a violent war against the Native Americans. This war, as Sandbe rg (2006) argues, was, on the surface, morally and ethically unjustifiable insofar as it sought the extermination and elimination of the territorys rightful(prenominal) owners and inhabitants. It gained legitimacy and, hence, became a justifiable war, through the promotion and propagation of stereotyp
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