
Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Wolf :: essays research papers

The WolfDestiny, perhaps from the very beginning, claimed the wildcat as a symbol. Has any new(prenominal) animal stirred hu art object passions the way the wolf has? Its haunting howl, itsincredible stamina, its brilliant eyes, and its superiority as a predatory animal allhave been reviled as nefarious, and even demonic, traits. Ironically, these samecharacteristics have in addition been revered as belonging to a majestic, and sometimesspiritual, creature - a symbol of the magnificent, untamed wilderness.In truth, the wolf is neither evil nor exceptionally good - neither demonnor god. Wolves are simply predators. Their role as a predator must not bereduced, however, to that of savage killer. Wolves, uniform humans, need to eat tosurvive. In this execute, wolves also provide a returns they help preservenatures delicate balance by keeping herds of deer, elk, moose, and other largemammals in check, as well as keeping these populations plastered and geneticallyviable by preying on the weak and sick.Both the regard wolf and the demonic wolf are creations of the humanmind. It is not palmy to transcend the image of the Big Bad Wolf that has filledour myths and legends, just if we sock only this wolf we do not truly know thewolf at all. And what we do not know, we fear. Our fear is perhaps the superiorthreat to the survival of the wolf, for it causes us to react sort of than act,to repel rather than respect. But this fear and hatred did not always separateman and beastMan the hunting watch once looked on the wolf the hunter with admiration. Man andwolf both used their keen intelligence to strike the disadvantages they facedin their day-to-day existence. Survival for both was enhanced by hunting andliving in groups or packs. And, at one time, the prospect of survival for each wasalso increased by following, learning from, and adapting the skills of the otherto its own advantage.As long as mans daily living was acquire primarily as a hunter, he knew a respect for wolves, and coexistence was comparatively peaceful. Eventually, man andwolf took up together in a process of domestication that brought a differentmeaning to their coexistence. Even while those early ancestors of mans bestfriend enjoyed this new relationship, the wolves that did not come in from the rimed were beginning to be cast in a different and little favorable light, for thedog was not the only animal toward whom man turn his attention in the earlydays of animal husbandry.

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